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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. Every time I check, their servers are full ... (screenshot taken at 10:30pm est)
  2. You might need a new forum account
  3. This sounds a little bit familiar, hmm ...
  4. What if I tried to spam join like 100 times but gave up because server was full... Do I get me a key?
  5. There is no difference between a live blackjack table and the asylum casino blackjack table. Please read google before posting. https://begado.legitimatecasino.com/live-vs-video-blackjack/
  6. There is no code driving the payout percentage. The base house advantage (5%) is what is left over from the "return percentage" which is the odds of winning if you play the game statistically correct (95%), the variation of the house edge is around 0.5% with variation based on "The rules of blackjack". I am not going to explain this again but the answer to your question is that the payout percentage is approx. 94.45%.
  7. The "Virtual Blackjack" is pulling from simulated decks of cards and the rules are very clearly printed on the table. The dealer will ALWAYS draw to 16 and stand on 17 while pulling from the same decks that the player is using. EDIT: The cards are randomly pulled from the deck there is no way for the "computer to know" if its time to win or lose.
  8. "Virtual Blackjack" is not the same as a slot machine. Blackjack has a payout percentage of about 95% (100% - 5% house edge) and the house edge always has a mathematical variation around ~0.5% based on payouts and rules, in this case: - Beating the dealer's hand returns a profit equal to the initial bet amount 2:1 - Blackjack returns an additional 1.5x the initial bet amount 2:1 + 1.5:1 - Tying the dealer with Blackjack results in losing your initial bet amount - Busting/Losing to the dealer's hand results in losing your initial bet amount - Tying with the dealer results in all bets pushed back With the current rules and payouts the house edge is more around ~0.55%. Now once you do some complex math (95% - 0.55%), you find out that the payout percentage is approximately 94.45% or a house edge of 5.55%.
  9. Every-time I play cop, I have no talents and no load-out ... can y'all fix that?
  10. Allow non-gang members to be invited and kicked from gang group rather than having to create a new group with a password for the entire gang.
  11. Yes, in V1, I updated the bounty selection algorithm to create a weighted list with recently dropped or very distant bounties being the least likely selected and vice versa with the closest bounties being the most likely selected. It had room for improvement but that's not my problem anymore.
  12. I am not sure how I seeked out validation, I wrote two sentences and he asked me to elaborate ... Seeing as you were one of the main people pushing for my removal, it's a bit sus that you take this weird moral high-ground while I am talking to Jesse.
  13. No, I worded it exactly as I meant to. No additional columns... Anytime you look to spend honor you fetch your remaining honor, and when gaining honor just add it to life_honor and update database. // fn_config_honorTalents.sqf [ // id, title, honor cost [0, "Talent One", 1000], [1, "Talent Two", 1250], [2, "Talent Three", 1500], [3, "Talent Four", 1750] ]; // fn_getRemainingHonor.sqf // PROOF OF CONCEPT // Start with total honor in database private _remainingHonor = life_honor; // Calculate remaining honor based on current talents (only talents that are in config and player list are calculated) {_remainingHonor = _remainingHonor - (_x select 2)} forEach ((call life_fnc_config_honor) select {(_x select 0) in life_honor_talents}); // Should never be negative regardless (safeguard) _remainingHonor = _remainingHonor max 0; // Return _remainingHonor; // Proof of concept, reverse of above How to convert current data into honor total (tutorial): 1) grab player id, current honor, and honor talents from database 2) run the honor talents through config and add the current cost from config back to current honor. (aka refund) 3) update current honor and wipe honor talents in database (they can rebuy talents with refunded honor) 4) update arma server # python is used for manipulating data, use python https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_mysql_getstarted.asp # python list honor_talent_config = [ # id, title, honor cost (0, "Talent One", 1000), (1, "Talent Two", 1250), (2, "Talent Three", 1500), (3, "Talent Four", 1750) ]
  14. Subtract the honor during run-time, only save their total to database. This allows you to manipulate talents without ever having to worry about losing data.
  15. redacted as request from asylum's finest
  16. Where is the "Keep Y on death (except for defib), drop on respawn/execute" option?
  17. Its not like he asked to be banned, so insensitive ...
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