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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Trotfox

  1. love this guy, he gets drunk on stream
  2. Trotfox


    I'll do it right in the bay outside Pyrgos where everyone can see too. Or just outside Kavala HQ and honk my ship's horn incessantly.
  3. If only you had SGT clothes with an MXM or something too funny though
  4. Yeah, it was just another awkwardly quiet montage with popular music like everyone does. Also, try and get rid of the GeForce saved last blah blah banner
  5. I mean... it's better than a fat black lady chomping on pickles and stuff?
  6. ... I never get 2x gather with Rodo at ephedra, only an occasional 2x with gang perk, and barley isn't hard to get- it's OP as is
  7. Ahhh I heard about this, nice job man
  8. I'm fucking dead 11/10 P.S. This thread went off the tracks REAL quick
  9. I remember when I first started the Church of Asylum they just introduced organ harvesting and stuff, and we would do so much RP, but we got in trouble so much at first because we were kidnapping and sacrificing people like crazy so they said we were ruining player's experiences or something and we needed to take it down a notch. But I agree these posts aren't going to change anything, might as well just hope you don't get banned or blacklisted before the funds run dry since noone even donates anymore and Identity,,, well nvm on that
  10. @Patato I don't want to quote that huge block, but I do have a pretty good rig, and I do have shadow play. I just find it messed up that I have to record every time I think I might do something remotely wrong. Every time we authorize lethals in a situation on cop someone goes "make sure you're recording guys" and it's no joke because people whine about everything and make you second guess yourself, and so if you don't record every interaction you won't know when you might need that footage from when you talked to that guy 2 days ago. One time when I went to rob a guy, he had muted me on player list or something but obviously I didn't know that, I gave him plenty of time to respond, and he had stopped moving but didn't say anything, about 10 minutes later he's messaging me saying RDM, too late for me to get footage under normal circumstances since I keep it at 6 mins, luckily I had just HAPPENED to take a clip while running that proved for at least the last couple seconds I was talking in direct, but you never know when little situations like that might occur.
  11. That's the exact problem I have with the current player base though. When cops and civs are RDMing, trying to pull me over and hold me for 15 mins for a "broken headlight", kidnapping or holding me for 45 mins, and so on, it creates a toxic environment (not that there hasn't always been some of that). And yes you can report people, but I know I sure can't afford the memory to record all the time, and sometimes I don't actually know my rights with confidence. Just to be clear I haven't even gotten in trouble in quite some time, but I'm saying that historically for me and recently for others I've seen accidents happen and there's no way of making it right. People refuse communication, defibs, or comp, and then you're just screwed over since you don't have "the hookup." I hear officers and players brag all the time about who they know and how they just went to someone right after an incident and got it cleared up before or right after a report even gets made.Have you not even noticed a large portion of replies are the very people who either have power or have a "hookup" so yeah your viewpoint is skewed from the average player who doesn't even know how to handle a lot of situations. Many new players I've met lately don't even know how to report people or where to find all the rules (which they can't even see cop rules), so a lot of the just try to avoid other players entirely... but since it's a game how can you have fun like that?
  12. OK so as an admin you completely admit there's favoritism, which creates a poor playing experience for some, and a great one for others. And shit happens, people get lucky or unlucky, or you can just never shoot anyone or say anything without sitting there thinking about it and making quadruple sure because you don't want to get in trouble. The problem with that is it's a GAME and people are here to have FUN. After X amount of time it shouldn't even matter, there should be no record, that stuff goes away slower than the player base. It's not about manning up or owning up, I'm fine with handling my mistakes, my problem comes when I literally can't get in contact with anyone to help with a situation since I'm not friends with people in positions of power. How the hell is it fair that a gang member can make a claim without filing a report and have their higher up buddy get you in trouble? How is it fair that an admin can issue a ban and not be available for contact until hour 71 of 72? It's bullshit that some people get the free ride to enjoy this GAME and have FUN with no real repercussions, and others have to sit there overthinking every situation to make sure no action gets taken against them.
  13. I've been getting full tickets after turning myself in, charged with harassment for cursing, and pulled by an LT because his gang wanted him to get me in trouble, so let's not even pretend cops can manage to roleplay. With how hard it is to earn money, I'm not surprised cops don't want to pardon people, hell, you can get in trouble for pardoning people. You get in trouble for literally everything to the point where people are afraid or pressured to do certain things.
  14. When a minor accident happens on one side and screws you over on both, that's when it gets irriatating Well that's all just admitting that the server is completely dying and you can't even hold the standards you want to because there's noone to replenish the population. I don't even understand how you can mention real life law enforcement when this IS a game, people ARE here to have fun, and this is barely and RP server compared to the other options out there. You can't have your cake and eat it too by saying you want people to be held to strict standards and kicked out if they can't handle it, but then turn around and go "oh wait but there's noone on the servers anymore" but that's another issue entirely This is bullshit. I'm guessing you're a well liked higher up, with plenty of friends in high places, and when you get into trouble you can get into quick contact with an admin or higher up. Many times when I've gotten in trouble as civ or cop I can't even get someone to talk to me about it before my ban is up, or they say my evidence is insufficient. SORRY that I can't record 24/7 JUST IN CASE Arma pulls some bullshit or something genuinely accidentally happens. As far as making things right after something, I've had bans not removed after giving comp to other players EVEN AFTER proving that I transferred money or whatever, so don't even try to use that. Sometimes you mess up and you can't even make up for it, which just adds to the bullshit. I've never gone around purposefully abusing lethals, failrping, rdming, vdming, combat logging, etc. and yet I've got points and bans for days over 4 years. HELL thanks to the ban transfer to points BS I've had points keep even after a ban is removed. This server is all about the favorites game, so if you don't have friends in high places, you get extremely screwed over with bans and points, so when you get both for one offense, it really really sucks.
  15. I think action should only transfer from civ to cop and vice versa if it's a severe offense. For (not totally accurate) example: If I accidentally kill someone on civ because I didn't know my group hadn't properly initiated, it shouldn't give me points on cop. If I improperly use lethals and accidentally rdm a civ in the crossfire on cop during a gun fight, I should only get me point, not a ban. The only time it should carry over is for perm bans, duping account wipes, mass rdm, those things. You essentially have 2 different identities with two sets of expectations, when you're not representing the police force you should be held to the same low standards as everyone else. When you're on cop you should be held to the higher standards that are in place because it IS a whitelisted position that even a noob can recognize, however each side you play on shouldn't have bearing on the other. This is especially true for people that want to mess around on civ and have fun in their own way without necessarily breaking server rules, yet they still get points and the like for inappropriate behavior over petty things like 911 calls. TL;DR Two sides, two identities, two sets of expectations, and two different punishment processes.
  16. Every morning I'm talking to people on other servers and we're all checking and asking to see if 3 is up yet
  17. If you're going to screw over life on this by making it so you have to have two sets of gangs and houses on other servers, just stick to only 2 servers then. The fact that we don't have 5 servers full to the brim during summer is pathetic enough, it's sad that those of us here now are getting our experience screwed over by having a server that comes and goes as it pleases with population on top of all servers crashing constantly.
  18. Constantly not hearing about what's being done definitely doesn't help with frustration though. Add the hacker-a-day on top of the lag, and I think that makes communication about the state of the server important, right?
  19. After you spawn with the debit card it's not worth it, but if someone wants to be my sugar daddy to get me up from 4...
  20. If people are dumb enough to vote for someone that puts high taxes, they can live with the consequences ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯
  21. I get that Opium for MKs is a temporary fix or whatever, but heroin is pretty much the only drug anyone does as is besides coke. Noone bothers with weed anymore, everyone is afraid of meth, and then you had the sweet spot of coke for guns and heroin for money. Now the only place is gonna be heroin, and I already see someone there almost every time I pass by as is. This is going to just become an absurd warzone. Might as well just move it and make it a capturable area like a turf/ cartel, only usable by those who own it. Not to sound to drastic, but it's just so annoying considering my main thing on civ has been making guns and selling them to other players personally for awhile now (yes, I know the exchange exists, I don't care for it for my business).
  22. And there's no processor anymore sooooooooo...
  23. Maybe have a place where you can store cocaine and "ship" it to altis for a fee and X amount of time on Tanoa? Then there can be like a receiving dock/area on Altis like how there's the mailbox on the exchange. That way if you want to have it on Altis it's doable and somewhat played out. Or maybe you could build it (an MK/ gun) in a Black Market in Tanoa, and have it directly sent to somewhere on Altis to have it picked up when it's done being crafted? Dunno, just some thoughts.
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