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Everything posted by Treeherder

  1. It sounds like you should go play a diferent game if your that bored of this one.
  2. With the new Eden editor designing locations could become a lot more feasible. As of now though it's still in beta and can't be used in stable branch. However when it's fully released we'll have to see how it compares to x cam and if making custom cartels would be worthwhile.
  3. Bohemia has said there will be new weapons and vehicles including VTOL aircraft in the expansion.
  4. It has to be spelled "L3g3nd" if it's added; nothing else will suffice.
  5. I find it interesting how the career cops who never fight cartels are for this, and the players whose opinions actually matter in this context are against it.
  6. The best rebel shooters who are also whitelisted
  7. Get the i5 6600k. It's probably the best price to performance out there now and I get 60+ fps on ultra with it.
  8. The recipie is too difficult. Not worth it in my opinion. I'de rather buy them.
  9. Does anyone play on 360? If you had a really big monitor and got used to it it could be really OP.
  10. He hasn't and doing so would be much appreciated.
  11. As long as it's somthing professional looking (not the carryall) this seems reasonable.
  12. If medkits were removed the only problem with cops getting backpacks would be the additional sway/fatigue. Although that isn't really a reason to withhold them considering alot of cops would be ok with that.
  13. More like you miss the ridiculously OP Medikits -1
  14. This is the RealLight 6 SweetFX arma setup that I use. I would highley recommend checking it out. It's already setup to look really good in arma so you won't get any of those errors. http://sh8.videopilot.link/arma3/real-light-v6/
  15. You're all gathering in the wrong place. I gathered 300 in 20 minutes the other day.
  16. Asylum used to have martial law way back in the day but it was removed for obvious reasons. -1
  17. Dragonfyre 2.0.0 or newer that works on asylum.
  18. The problem is that the download links here either no longer exist or have been updated to 2.5 which has yet to be enabled.
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