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Everything posted by Kate

  1. This would be a pretty cool addition and I'm not even a bounty hunter. It should require a lot of honor points though.
  2. you stole my house not cool

  3. Kate

    Goodbye forever

    It has been interesting. I have been with Asylum since the midst of 2014. In my last will and testament, I give my entire $50,000,000 estate to the incinerator. Farewell.
  4. In-Game Name: Kate Age: 15 Bank Balance: Hours on Arma 3 (provide screenshot): Steam profile(Your can pm me this if you don't want it public): Do you have a mic and Discord? yes Do you know any members of our gang? no Gang expectations: I expect you to treat me with respect.
  5. This is my suggestion for a new way to make money. The idea is that you will be able to produce Coca-Cola and sell it. I'm not too sure on what ingredients it should require but I am currently thinking at least Unprocessed Cocaine and Water. I was also thinking there could be a less risky variant where you do not need Cocaine, it would sell for less money. The risky one could be sold at Wongs and the legal one could be sold at market or something. Just an idea. Coca-Cola is delicious! The bottling plant could be located here:
  6. It would be too easy to screw each other over. The Asylum Exchange worked because it was escrow.
  7. I'm all about that underground hip hop.
  8. real fastest way http://www.cheatengine.org/
  9. but it "works perfectly" as someone stated.
  10. You were one of the good ones. Farewell, sir.
  11. Remove the prison. Capital punishment is the only choice.
  12. Make it so you can transfer money from your cellphone. Also, Asylum Exchange was the best thing ever.
  13. Get drunk and hang out in Kavala, that is always a good time.
  14. So Brendon, did you smash?
  15. Explain the core rules, RDM/VDM, and recommend reading the rules. Mention useful locations (dmv, license shop, market, etc), useful tips, core mechanics (player phone, house/garage, vehicle locks, talents, etc). Mention good beginner ways to make money and link to the guides. Mention rebel life, bounty hunter life, cop life, simple peach farmer life, and link to their respective wiki pages so newcomers can learn more about those lives.
  16. The wiki seems to be locked down. There is no "sign up" page. How do we make contributions to the wiki?
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