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Posts posted by Stephen

  1. 34 minutes ago, KevinOB said:

    How about the non csat pilot coveralls, I'm not 100% sure but I think the non csat ones give no xtra armor. Blue/green


    29 minutes ago, Zoex said:

    We've had them in the game before, and they were removed.

    Pretty sure they've been found to have armor too(not sure though).

    You can get them if you have the advanced flight model enabled in the clothing store

  2. 11 hours ago, blaylocke said:

    I don't think non-EMT's can fly the helis, or so I've been told, so they can't chop it. And if they shoot you out of it, it's almost certainly RDM and they'll be banned, then you can be comped. 

    1. Civs can pilot medic helis, its bugged, who would have thought ... ? (to make sure I just tested it on 7.1.0)

    2. Also, a player who plays only medic can never ever afford 30k helis. Even if he is careful with it. For 1 heli you would have to revive 38 people - which aside from 45$ per 5 minutes is the only income medics have. You would never do that many going by heli in the first place. In addition to that, you also have to refuel the heli now and then.

    This means that you force medics to make the money first in Kavala or play civ/cop. Thats just contradictory.


    3. RDM? Yeah right, a simple "land or die" and they are clear to shoot you down if you dont land in the next 15 3 seconds.

    And even if you land, you loose your 30k heli anyway (see 1.).


    No offense, but your second suggestion would do more bad to "good medics" than it would help them, as those "troll medics" make their money on civ/cop anyway. They just spend it on medic.

    I agree on your first suggestion though!

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