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Everything posted by Nightfury

  1. the fact that 8.0 was such a bad "major" update and strife was a copy paste of the life mission file and some other game mode goes to show that they just dont give a shit anymore. all we can hope for is maybe a crate with tank and jet skins... lol
  2. i think we should add global chat so we can talk shit to cops too XD
  3. "i even turned it off and on again" -> liked XD
  4. i wouldnt call him a hacker.. more like a kid that found out how to buy scripts with his mothers paypal.
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nightfury11/ PUBG arma is boring
  6. Nightfury

    Old Prison

    go to a server that has it there because "paratus doesnt like it" LOL
  7. who gives a shit about kate lol. all i want is @Ofek back
  8. i could see this being good IF they fix the APB system. this was today . this guy will evade it 200%. do you think he deserves the rewards? servers are so dead that if there was still speeding tickets ppl would get APB for them lol.
  9. this is why roleplay should be against the rules...
  10. Nightfury

    Dear Asylum.

    sir, i would like to inform u that unique IPs are higher than ever before and the server is not going down hill... tyvm. jk its dead af...
  11. how can YOU accuse anyone for cheating? even if the guy is cheating, u shouldn't be the one to call him out lol. retard
  12. those driving skills wont be needed if @Norwegianviking was driving. COME BACK @Ofek !!!
  13. this is a step in the right direction. this is what i like to see olio. good shit just as i thought asylum was completlly dead.... phewwww suggestion: rebel "honor" talent tree similar to the bounty hunter and cop prestige ones. achievements for more than 250 war kills for example and more titles.
  14. L O L what? this is asylum buddy. not reborn roleplay or gta or fucking lakeside. gtfo with that shit. cops in asylum can rp if they rly want to. but some enjoy the fighting part of the game. and the reward for winning fights is the money.
  15. finally the tenacity and prime merge is official.
  16. i remember when u could see the top gangs, current gov on every server and all that shit on the website... good times...
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