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Everything posted by Bentz

  1. Considering you had issues shooting a guy without armor or a gun, I would end your life since I had full gear lmao.
  2. Sounds like you're still a bitch to me.
  3. https://gyazo.com/a01a56f3bda871eb142edf976d897543 @Kaif Trump
  4. What level of difficulty was on those bots driving the Ifrit?
  5. Pain train got smacked in the face with a cock
  6. Why don't you come to a cartel and show us. Oh wait you're a career cop pleb.
  7. I've never seen a heli do what you made it do at 2 minutes.
  8. Shoots a guy in the back and calls him a retard
  9. What a legend, 10/10 montage.
  10. GG sprayed a whole mag into the guy's back, sign my mouse pad bro.
  11. Lmao I was wondering what that shit was on the map, didn't know about the part at the donor rebel boat shop either lol...
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