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Ren Zero

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Everything posted by Ren Zero

  1. He seems like a dick tbh lol
  2. Welcome back, and nobody posts on this for 9 hours? Feels bad man. TFW you don't get the chance to be APD
  3. FSA Recruitment Video but no link to the recruitment page, seems legit.
  4. I wrote the title wrong, feels bad man
  5. Dying when he was saying World star at around a minute.
  6. "Spending all that money" You mean spawning them in?
  7. I mean, I have Pokemon GO, and I'm still level 1, and I would level up more but that means I have to go outside.
  8. The bastion overwatch pic got me, the fucking middle finger
  9. https://gyazo.com/d0537dd67335f1aa9f5e47f0600e83e7 I somehow enjoyed this video after that.
  10. There's some YouTube videos you can watch to improve fps, just don't download any viruses. Don't watch the ones that say to download a program, but there is some things you can do to improve FPS without any programs.
  11. I used to play Arma with a 650, it was fine, friend had a 660 that he was throwing away so I'm using that now.
  12. Wow you are so cool, how can I be like you, would I just re-use a joke over and over?
  13. Just go alone, bring a rook and no drill, just use your hands to pry open the doors, and when the cops come say "Don't arrest me, No balls"
  14. But it says you are from Athira, but you pay your speeding ticket in Kavala... Are you cheating on Athira?
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