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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Churu

  1. How about simply removing the seatbelt and reduce incoming damage to the player when crashing with vehicles... So much better than this retarded function...
  2. Well you could have spent around 5 min if you simply pressed some plates....
  3. So gathering gold through excavating then pressing them into gold bars? I like that idea...
  4. #Feelsbadman Had a friend who lost a crate full of goodies, he lost a green admin suit in the crate.
  5. it's allowed because nobody gives a single fuck....
  6. Please use the search function the website offers to see if people before you have made the same topic... here are 2 examples
  7. i think i speak for 99% of the community when i say... No
  8. Yeah... It's called corruption... Be careful when choosing governor.
  9. No you can pardon people on parole and it goes away, they dont have to violate it... unless Paratus actaully fixed it...
  10. why!!!! its like a free pardon ffs! AND EVERYBODY'S HAPPY! I get a pardon and the cop still gets paid! Works the same way around as well.. If ur on parole, go 2 kavala and get 1 hit'n run, msg a random officer that was not present when said officer gave you parole and ask random officer for pardon because kavala noobs are stupid
  11. Well actually he did say that. But eventually admitted it was DayZ hacks...
  12. Is he pulling the same excuse Sam Monk did? "Minecraft hacks"
  13. Dosent matter its a copy and paste, this aint a gang anymore....
  14. Gotta love the pulldown script Work's well, yes?
  15. gotta love that random jump kick appearing out of nowhere xD
  16. dosent matter, i think we all worry when FSA has explosives.
  17. wtf is this??? I miss MysticalMoonMan top quality shit from him... This is just weird.
  18. i think at this point if its a DDoS it's then constant and randomly spikes when the server overloads... Depending on what is happening the server has gone into a irregular lag spike sessions... So it can now occur at any time... Or my fantastic theory of course... Paratus fucked up some script that causes massive desync and lags out the server(unlikely but possible with the history of our great developer Paratus)
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