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Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Fried Rice

  1. The purpose of lethals were to kill the threat not pardon them. When someone sits in a house and shoots people we lethal them so they cant be revived and continue to kill people (unless there more than 1 then you lethal both). We lethal bank roof and prison so its easier to push into the event and have a better chance of ending it with one person dead and another reviving, not to give them a pardon. Thats why lethals being a pardon was brought up in every APD meeting because people abused it too much. It gives incentive to keep going back to said event instead of the mindset "well he lost his bounty, im not going back".
  2. still have more knowledge than you ever will buddy
  3. I meannnn how do you learn some time management when they do a bank 12 mins before restart and you get them all downed and restrained with 3 mins left? With this you should probably change the federal events to be on a lock-down a certain time before restart.
  4. I dont think steve supports BLM...
  5. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/PPJbYH Intel based if you wanna take a look.
  6. Does this mean people cant run meth out of houses anymore either?
  7. Not swat but everything.. And It is somewhat relevant with me suggesting an idea for your development. No harsh feelings you guys do a great job with what you do release just wanted to say my input.
  8. The biggest problem with this is when it actually comes out. I understand the devs have a life and this isn't their job, but that they are volunteering and helping, but when you say something will come out around one date then it comes out 4 months after that date it sucks. Nothing really comes out on time so if you guys do plan on adding stuff stop adding a release date.
  9. NGL I never listened to your shit and just thought you were some shit tier sound cloud rapper but I started to and you arent that bad tbh
  10. I would ask you for some but you dont got any pal
  11. Do you make exceptions, if you and Clint lend me a braincell I might be good
  12. Just thought it was funny was all, never cried we were all laughing when it happened.
  13. From what ive been told, when you blood bag when there is a timer on your health, it is only client side. So you have 100% on your screen but are actually still 75%.
  14. https://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/support/ Make a comp request, upload any evidence if you have.
  15. How long ago was that? How many servers were up on both sides?
  16. Because no one has the balls to do it...
  17. To be fair ive never heard of half of these servers. Im sure the name Asylum is well know throughout the Arma community which will bring people into the server. None of these servers are even a role play server and im only speaking for myself of course but I am more than willing to wait an extra week to see a refreshing map.
  18. Isn't the whole premise of this server is that it MIGHT be temporary? If thats the case give the people what they want and make it a different map? I see where your coming from "what if it doesn't need to be shut down and stays up? Well I don't see many other popular life servers on a different map. Just my 2 cents but Altis is boring and we've been playing it for years.
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