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Everything posted by Chase

  1. My two brothersss in a predicament....only one way to solve this
  2. Actually pretty sick video nice save brotherrrr 10/10
  3. I'll hand you this one then. L
  4. What is this bs with people making new forum accounts and acting like they are the exposing police lmao good meme 10/10
  5. I read it but im saying its like the same thing with no risk so its not gunna encourage fights just going to be same thing without having to go to rebel
  6. Yes not a bad idea but who is going to put it in gang bank form the cartel if they can jsut take the money and put it in their own bank...if it automatically goes to gang bank theres more of a reason to fight and own it not jsut own it and go around collecting money or putting in gang bank when you can do that already pretty easy.
  7. I know for a fact and not flaming your idea...but im not going to want to fight a cartel anymore because i can isntantly put less of a cut into gang bank,
  8. Yea thats exactly why more people would fight to own it?
  9. Id count keeping the cartel as work/sacrifice...
  10. Lmao i wasn't there when i saw all your lethals in side chat was too busy getting processed by a cop camping donor
  11. Yea i understand why ti was removed because mass recruited gangs would jsut own the servers and make money endlessly through cartels with no competition but with a 12 man group cap how do you expect zerg gangs to come back successfully?
  12. Yea because they probably got some dislikes back then about it but at the same time when we had money straight to gang bank that was the highlight points of rebel life that everyone wishes they had back, so its obvious it would help bring back rebel life and it is easy to do.
  13. Yea maybe they don't want to...but their community for the most part all wants it.
  14. Why not make it simple and just revert it to money straight to gang bank? people will want to fight for it more and thats the whole point for it isnt it? not just getting dirty money but for more rebel activity.
  15. ^ yea also big one would be like money goes straight to gang bank...would be a bigger deal to own it therefore making an incentive to fight for it also should be easy to do since it was like that before @bamf
  16. Also gets quite annoying when cops show up to every fight because they find loopholes to the whole "contested" cartel rule should just never be allowed on free fire or near any cartel.
  17. Bug: still after restart my RV turns into regular truck boxer or i just cant use the lab...not sure if theres a fix to this or i should just get used to storing the vehicle before restart.
  18. Great one but I swear I've denied 2 people already thinking it is a GG=Grotty Gang
  19. Denied, Goodluck finding a new gang
  20. Damn montaged me like 3 times Good tage brother.
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