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Professor Pericles

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Everything posted by Professor Pericles

  1. Not live just, still PTU but anyone who subscribes can get instant access to it. ps it’s VERY buggy right now but fun as hell
  2. We're on the Fuckin moon, Over. SC is getting a few major updates!
  3. Except Steve jobs actually accomplished the iPhone in the time it’s taken identity to delay it’s first module like 3-4 times
  4. 1. Speak english 2. I don't give a SINGLE fuck if you remember us or not. You are not welcome here, @Xehons. Would you kindly Fuck Off?
  5. Thank you. I didnt want to be toxic but fuck that mic
  6. I use the ATH M50x's for work. They are killer cans.Perfect for what I do, but tbh I never fully tried them on games I hate sennheiser
  7. It'll do fine! It's Like the "kia" compared to a Lexus. Both cars drive, one is just more reliable (behringer is known to be a cheaper brand that just doesn't last well). Edit. If you're a budding soundcloud rapper go for the focusrite. WAY cleaner in recording. If you are just streaming etc, the Behringer is perfect
  8. The thingy is called a USB Pre-Amp this is a decent quality lower cost one, I'd start here and look around! http://www.guitarcenter.com/Focusrite/Scarlett-Solo-2nd-Generation-USB-Audio-Interface-1500000010205.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWRWXGP&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgNrQBRC0ARIsAE-m-1zRDhVhkub59wapFHT8QXkmfZSO4E0ADq1muclKvN9k_Wz5OQnmB8oaAgwpEALw_wcB&kwid=productads-adid^57619015002-device^c-plaid^140858361861-sku^1500000010205@ADL4GC-adType^PLA
  9. If that was me then I most likely was intoxicated. Don’t drink and drive folks
  10. @Tricks I started on a 650. Was perfect. If you get a small 250 you WILL outgrow it in a short period of time. personally i have an Sv650. It’s awesome for corners and commutes. Lookinto comfort when it comes to street bikes vs cruisers as well. If you want to enjoy longer then 30 minutes a ride, a streetbike may not be right
  11. Go-carts are op. Plz nerf
  12. Damn. Not shooting people. Not driving... wtf were you, a goddamn cheerleader with pompoms?
  13. My.God. Its about to get dumb-lit clacking up in this mutha fuckin biiiiiitch!!!!!
  14. I 100% miss spoke, emulating your MAC Only works for renewing a DCHP license on your modem. @Le Razoir and @massi are right, static means you have to call isp or use a vpn, I believe.
  15. I actually just looked that up. Im an idiot and You’re a retard
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