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Retired Fire Chief
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Everything posted by Bread

  1. Great not this guy again Wait... to the polls!
  2. Stratis was small and in my opinion it was better than Tanoa
  3. You forgo me. I shall go die now
  4. Bruh just be like a normal person and spam the fuck out of that enter key
  5. I'd rather send you to jail then fly a heli over and watch you just sit and burn in there. Dont matter how much you're wanted for
  6. If you want to play the barricade game. I'll play with it too. Next time I'll use Nitro so it blows up.
  7. Failed to Kidnap me. But it was real nice sending you guys to jail once I got on the server to play
  8. Highlight of the whole video
  9. Reason 1 why you never stay on the ground too long
  10. I have a solution https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2XswhYdJ4GoOgzgnlIc4ewGazT-czF15gy5vVjFh9S-aKiw/viewform
  11. Bread


    I don't remember issuing points but then again I haven't been to sleep in a about 36 hours
  12. Bread


    No one will stop my tyranny! AHAHA. I mean... I said come speak to me in TS, this is posting on the forums. Not speaking to me in TS
  13. Not going to lie. This is one of the reasons I stopped paying attention in math classes. Hated when teachers did this.
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