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Posts posted by Cheech'nChong

  1. On 4/20/2020 at 7:55 PM, EDGE eGAMER said:

    Stopping in to say hello. Some of you I miss and others, well. I'm sure a jail cell is waiting for you real soon. Wrath is coming and it's bringing HELL with it. Now, who drank all of my RUM?

    Im pretty sure edge's angels drank all your rum.

    GOD I miss Dupe... Yeeeeeehawww


    EDGE eGAMER, LaGrange and BlackShot like this
  2. 23 hours ago, DS_Billy said:

    Have you had a nervous breakdown since you last popped your head up here?

    Threaten to doxx me or something, the usual NV way.

    The usual way for this old fat inbred. Complaints and acusations blabla. Still as misinformed as always xd

    |VVV| Insert hypocrit 3/4 Gnash here |VVV|

    billy (spiderbdj), 01/08/2013, Permanent, [RC] DD (ancilenet), DDoS Fail


  3. 18 hours ago, MrJackintheBox said:

    Hmmm just seems like you are with all the rebels yelling nerf and delete. But I guess that's what happens when you get outplayed. Been playing for over 7 years now. So I've been around and this community does dumb shit so yeah my point is valid. 

    You're a delusional funny little dude. Who are you?

  4. 1 hour ago, Dull said:

    I don't even play anymore, so wouldn't care less if they're active or not. Last couple years I checked this forum it's just filled with gangs tears and salt on every section of forum just like how it always has been. But don't be offended of what I said though, your virginity will always be safe, chong.  

    Lost my virginity years ago and im still trying to get it back :/ Still, im glad I only lost my virginity. The chromosomes you dropped out of your pocket will never be heard of ever again, Sandy Saddam.

    Kyle_ likes this
  5. On 6/25/2019 at 10:11 PM, Dull said:

    Drunken Squad or whatever their name is seems like the most chill gang on the history of Asylum. It really depends on what you're looking for, if it's fun go join them. If you wanna be toxic and keep your virginity safe then I would recommend joining one of the self claimed ''top tier'' gangs. 

    None of the actual good gangs are active. If they would be we would see your dumb ass complaining on the forums a lot more.

    Kyle_, Bloodhound, Revenant and 4 others like this
  6. 3 hours ago, Tyler said:

    I mean the way you put it kinda seems like power gaming until theres a APD policy in place people are still trying to play on a light RP server. Tbh most of you act like when you kidnap a cop you are done and gone in 10 minutes or less i've had kidnappings last 20 minutes + until i finally got bored of it and had to soft log because all these rats wanna do is run around kavala squeaking at you in their house nty.

    The whole reason it had to be formulated in such a retarded way is because of the lame "special tracking equipment" etc excuses cops came up with in the first place

  7. 9 hours ago, Batcan said:

    Instead of having to blindfold an officer to prevent them from speaking in teamspeak. I think it would be a better option to have the ability to roleplay "take" their coms. It allows for a lot more rp specifically because most officers that get blindfolded go afk and don't want to speak with their kindappers. It isn't an issue of laziness to get a blindfold as anyone that is downing cops most likely has them. It's an issue with them not being able to see. Think it would be better for negotiating and the ability for rebels to temporarily return coms to officers.

    Rebel: "I am taking all you communication devices and launched a small scale EMP to make sure theres no hidden gps trackers or anything."

    *2 minutes later all cops show up*

    Cop: "Our equipment is so technologically advanced that even EMP's have no effect on our trackers. Therefore our bust was legit."


    Maaqs, Good Lub, Innate and 8 others like this
  8. I am actually impressed here.





















































































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