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APD Officer
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Everything posted by DreamC

  1. I've watched your signature video like on everything I've read that you've posted today. Also raven vests should come in for sure.
  2. We need to start charging for this service.
  3. No max prestige, no on the donating, it's higher based on how much prestige you have, don't recall exactly how much.
  4. Ive always found making money easy, I just spend too much of it (isn't turf price reduction bugged?)
  5. I think constable+ should have access to jeeps, and maybe make prowlers/qlins a corporal+ vehicle (or dont add them at all)
  6. Are you getting in the back of offroads/ any vehicle you can shoot out of? Thats an arma problem.
  7. Hey a @Dpatt711 how was your ride along the other day?
  8. Also capping the gang turf Zaros (The easiest to cap as most people don't want it) increases the payout of chopping vehicles and gas station robberies.
  9. I love how the car just flies out from the smoke
  10. Goooooooteeeeem Also better servers, not more servers.
  11. 10-15 fps is my average.
  12. Because when you get caught by a cop you have a chance to talk yourself out of it / get a ticket. Getting robbed by a rebel you may have a chance to get out alive and talk a bit. Getting caught by a bh is straight to jail and no fun usually. But on the bright side, as a bounty hunter you can be justice! You can be Batman! The hero Altis needs and deserves, but doesn't want.. at all.
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