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Medic was spawning 20+ cars and cops were encouraging him

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Was on around 1:30 am PST and a medic and his buddy spawned well over 20 cars in Kavala square to create their own parking lot simulator would be my best guess.  The medics didn't speak a word of English, and the cops(Cadet Dues and SugarDaddy) were encouraging the behavior while role playing.  I get that you are role playing and having fun, but it caused horrible d sync and threw my vehicle at one of the cops while I was driving.  They didn't care, only the fact that my truck ran one of them over.  Which i apologized for and said it was d sync caused by all these cars, well over 10 minutes of him detaining me on the street while ignoring another man being shot down,  he finally got a hold of a lieutenant to speak to me, whose name was "Hold One".  Hold One called me directly through the cell phone system and automatically was asking why I was threatening his cadet!  I said no such thing to the cadet in any threatening manner, and I explained to him the situation that was happening in front of my eyes.  His respone was stay out of Kavala and we have no control over medics actions.  Okay, d sync affects the whole server when this kind of bullshit happens and is not confined to one part of the map.  Need to hold the players you white-list to higher standards, this was just pathetic guys

sadly I haven't found a way to record using shadowplay with G-sync on my monitor turned on at the same time, and G-sync is too amazing to turn off.  Hopefully I find a solution soon, I already know what everyone in the comments are going to say.

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I'm suggesting putting a limit to the amount of cars a single player can have spawned at the same time.  By everyone's logic here it is okay for every player to mass spawn infinite vehicles at any given time. XD this game is turning into a bad joke

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6 minutes ago, sydewaze said:

I'm suggesting putting a limit to the amount of cars a single player can have spawned at the same time.  By everyone's logic here it is okay for every player to mass spawn infinite vehicles at any given time. XD this game is turning into a bad joke

They can spawn their full garage if they want, it will come a time were they are out fo money to even spawn a Quad. I'm ok with that.

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