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Vehicle Despawn Petition

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I want to start a petition to make despawns longer. It happens all too often where I'm doing jobs that take a few minutes and I go to my car (or at least where it was parked) and it's gone, losing me a trunkload of commodities to sell and leaving me stranded. Sign you're name if you think Vehicle Despawns should be longer too cause this is atrocious. 

Gatorade, Haych, Cassettes and 1 other like this
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I suggest just making a poll for this sort of stuff as it's easier to count for/against votes.

And no way because the servers are laggy as hell and it will only decrease performance. Also, just tap your vehicle every few mins and you'll be fine.

Edited by BioHazard
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We've been waiting on a distance check for a long time now, but god knows when it'll be added. Even a extended timer wouldn't add any lag what so ever. It's a massive issue for new players and it really does need to be addressed. I don't think the Devs realise how devastating it is for new players have their truck despawn on them, especially when they don't know it's going to happen.

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5 hours ago, tilr said:

I want to start a petition to make despawns longer. It happens all too often where I'm doing jobs that take a few minutes and I go to my car (or at least where it was parked) and it's gone, losing me a trunkload of commodities to sell and leaving me stranded. Sign you're name if you think Vehicle Despawns should be longer too cause this is atrocious. 

I don't get how this is a problem. tap your car every 9 minutes it's not hard...? I've even done things that take awhile and when I got back my truck is always there. I've actually been waiting for it to despawn before and kept checking and it was still on my keyring for days.. I don't see this happening as lag is already an issue. Sorry bud my best suggestion is to keep tapping it so it doesn't despawn

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+1 You never know what can happen in real life where you need to be excused for few minutes and are tied up with the work, people with kids and a family usually have emergencies like this, it's happened to me too often too where I thought I'd be gone for only 3-5 minutes and end up being gone for 30 and come back to nothing while being stranded. 

I don't see any big cons into which increasing the time would have an effect on it, it's worth the risk imo, if someone lock-picks my shit while I'm AFK then GG, rather go to good waste than it disappear into nothingness/ 

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