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Remove Gang Ranks

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No trolling this time.

I think removing gang ranks and implementing a permissions system would work better.

Allow the gang leader to give permissions to members (taking out money, accepting wars, sending invites, etc)

Some people may find this idea pointless but I feel it would work rather well as you could assign certain permissions to people who are deemed worthy. Certain people being able to take out money, accept wars, etc. At the moment with gang ranks you either get nothing or everything.

Overall, I couldn't really care if this was implemented or not - just a suggestion. I feel it would ultimately work out better, however.

Haych, dog., Bob Lee and 20 others like this
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On 11/12/2016 at 7:53 PM, Kyle_ said:

What they should be

Rank 3 - No permission

Rank 2 - Deal with war requests and maybe invite people to gang

Rank 1 - gang bank and everything else  


Permissions system seems to be more effective, then a rank system.

Edited by Crow
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6 hours ago, Gnashes said:

Here's some ideas I wrote up; not that I can implement them by myself in any way.


Gang Bank is the biggest issue and only Rank 1's should be allowed to access it whereas Gang Wars isn't something you need to put that much trust into people for. Ranks 2-3 should not be able to take Gang Account money, but around that rank, they should be able to send/accept wars.

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4 minutes ago, Gnashes said:

The thought process is that if you're going to implement a Gang Garage, there's literally no difference between giving them access to buy&pull or sell vehicles from the garage, and access a gang bank.

Money can be funneled out either way.

Gang Account at most will most likely always be more valuable than a Gang Garage. I don't see Gangs filling the garage up, but rather putting a couple of Ifrits and Orcas in there, again if someone was to back stab and attempt to steal, at most they'll be getting to chop a couple Ifrits, not taking a entire 2.5m.

The current issue with the rank system, is that Level 2 can Use the account, but can not Accept/Send Wars. 

Keep in mind, a leader can trust someone enough with Kicking/Inviting, Using a Gang Garage and Accepting Wars, however they might not trust them with a possible total of 10m split across all servers that can be stolen anytime if 1 small disagreement happens.

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2 minutes ago, Gnashes said:

The thought process is that if you're going to implement a Gang Garage, there's literally no difference between giving them access to buy&pull or sell vehicles from the garage, and access a gang bank.

Money can be funneled out either way.

Giving people ability to buy/pull vehicles from the gang account for anyone other than a rank 1 isn`t the best idea because lets say someone buys a car then drives it to chop then repeats this easy money for that person and RIP Gang account

So lets do some maths  RIP Gang Account Money + Salty Gang Leaders= Headache for Devs/Contributors/Admins

The gang garage is a good idea but I feel as if rank ones should be the only people allowed to Buy/Sell/Pull any type of vehicle.

As for gang account access only allow rank 1s to pull money from the gang account.


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