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rainbow 6 siege worth?


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I was looking at R6 and it looks pretty good, and not expensive. However seen some ppl that play this game alot, i was wondering how competitive that game is and hacks/cheaters problem and is it hard to play it? i'm coming from semi-pro cs player, so really interested in competitive side of the game

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I bought it on sale last year on christmas because I had some friends playing it. I had somewhat shitty fps at the time so I tried to refund it (but I had 2.5 hours played on it and steam shut that shit down). So I figure I'll give the game a real chance in a couple days or so, it definitely seems interesting at least.

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7 minutes ago, DreamC said:

I bought it on sale last year on christmas because I had some friends playing it. I had somewhat shitty fps at the time so I tried to refund it (but I had 2.5 hours played on it and steam shut that shit down). So I figure I'll give the game a real chance in a couple days or so, it definitely seems interesting at least.

I refunded ESO when I had 40 hours played :kappa:


R6 is also really fun if you like attack/defend games 

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1 hour ago, Apci said:

I was looking at R6 and it looks pretty good, and not expensive. However seen some ppl that play this game alot, i was wondering how competitive that game is and hacks/cheaters problem and is it hard to play it? i'm coming from semi-pro cs player, so really interested in competitive side of the game

A. There are little to no cheaters it any more.

B. Its EXTREEMLY competative. There's tournaments every week for one, Two ranked when you get higher it gets to the point where you start vsing a small community where you recognize your opponents each game.

C. Its a very brutal game and will take some adjustments in terms of settings , FOV, map understanding ; BUT at the core of it, you will find a lot of similarities to arma. There is quick peeking , hard scoping is prob #1 thing in that game, flanking. 


I love this game and its worth the 20$. With that being said be prepared to get frusterated if you are trying to be competative. It will take sometime for you to really get into the swing of things unless your a natural like @Zodiac, @Pacifist.

You are going to throw a fit the first 100 times you get spawn killed until you learn where that shit happens and stuff like that


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db605404161f2600b6d7f65776169c32.pngI bought the game a little over a month ago. I absolutely love it. When I first bought it and installed it i went into a casual and accidentally teamkilled someone. They tk'd me the next 2 rounds after, I immediately refunded the game.

Some friends in my gang that had the game since it came out talked me into buying it again and they would teach me to play it. I start playing with friends and I absolutely fell in love with the game. While the game is a complete fuckfest sometimes, and it has a lot of issues that need to be worked out, the game can get nothing but better with each update that comes out. You have to remember, it's ubisofts first attempt at any type of game like this, and while it needs a lot of help, it IS getting the help.

They just came out with the fourth DLC of the year, Red Crow, which each DLC features two new operators, a new map, new guns and, other extra content along with a HUGE fucking patch fixing a lot of shit. The ranking system atm is really easy to get ranked up in. I made a reddit post about it and one of the lead Devs name Epi replied and said there was a reason that the ranking system if fucked up atm and they will explain soon.

As you can see below it says 3400 for platinum 2, which is 2 below the highest rank in the game. It used to be like 5700 or something along those lines, we're yet to see why it's like that.

Asylum also has a great history with Rainbow six siege, as this community has had three people go professional at the scene, @Distilled, Nickis, and a guy named Yung, or Barry from Valerious


tl;dr the game is great, has its issue that will hopefully be fixed and the game can literally do nothing but grow in playerbase and content.cd63024bad09026a2aa393a09fd326ff.png

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Not many cheaters nowadays. Very competitive, you'll need a team. No matter how good you are, if you don't have teamwork you're gonna suck.

 There will always be new things to worry about, from twitch's twitch drone to some japanese guy that has a sonic boom boom device. Mind the kill-holes.

Overall, it's a huge difference from CS, but has a much more competitive feel in my opinion. 

Watch for peeks.

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Thanks every1 for replies,i'll buy it and see what happens. I know its FPS not arma so i am not even comparing between these 2. Replies are good you made me buy it. I was just wondeirng is DLC's broken  like in arma or not really. For example: new dlc is released everyone plays only those few maps and forgets about old stuff? @Sugarfoot @W00bzy?

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28 minutes ago, Apci said:

Thanks every1 for replies,i'll buy it and see what happens. I know its FPS not arma so i am not even comparing between these 2. Replies are good you made me buy it. I was just wondeirng is DLC's broken  like in arma or not really. For example: new dlc is released everyone plays only those few maps and forgets about old stuff? @Sugarfoot @W00bzy?

No they just add to the map pool, DLC's are all free as well! Just a paid season pass to unlock the content a week early if you want.

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1 hour ago, Apci said:

Thanks every1 for replies,i'll buy it and see what happens. I know its FPS not arma so i am not even comparing between these 2. Replies are good you made me buy it. I was just wondeirng is DLC's broken  like in arma or not really. For example: new dlc is released everyone plays only those few maps and forgets about old stuff? @Sugarfoot @W00bzy?

They add the map to the map pool and its random selection when you queue, not like cs where you queue for dust 2 and only dust 2. Although you can edit map preferences. No guarantee you'll get those maps though. DLC is free like the map, and the Operators can be unlocked with renown which is points you get for just playing the game. Like League you get Riot Points for money or Influence points for playing and you can unlock the "heros" or operators with those.  

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Had this game since the December 1 launch, so I'll weigh in.


That's 508 hours of PVP match time, not menus, not queuing, actually shooting people.  That doesn't even count the hours in custom games as far as I know.  So figure it would have probably read about 1.5k+ hours if I had this through steam since launch.  Not to mention a second account.  And I took an entire season (2-3 months) off for school.


Best game of 2016 for me, I haven't gotten this much enjoyment and replayability in a game ever to be honest.  The community is fantastic, I've met tons of people in-game that I came back after not playing for months and still was welcome with.  Expect standard FPS toxicity, and a steep learning curve at the beginning, but the higher up you get in the ranks, the better everything is.  Fun, albeit small, pro scene/competitive scene through ESL, but its all open tournaments, so if high level competitive is your thing, its relatively easy to get into on PC.  The matchmaking isn't always the best, and the ranks are fucked this season, but there is a lot to learn so expect some difficulty at first.  If you get through it though, best FPS of the year period.  I'll take it over Overwatch, BF1 and CS at this point.  I just keep coming back to it.


Ubisoft is doing community involvement and DLC right with Siege, community managers are active in the /r/Rainbow6 sub reddit and even shitpost along side the community in their patchnotes.  DLC is all free, there is a season pass that allows you to unlock DLC operators a week early and not have to spend in game money to get them, but all content is unlock-able with in game funds outside of Pro League skins, which go to support the teams and are just cosmetics which provide no advantage.  Ubi has announced they are planning on supporting it with new content and updates for another year at least.  Plus big tournament coming up with qualifiers in December! twitch.tv/Rainbow6

Add me on uPlay if anyone is interested, I'm more than happy to queue with anyone of any level! uplay: RaNgerrr.

Best played with a group, but solo queue isn't out of the question.




Edited by Ranger
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