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RDM: Arma 3 to Real life

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Obviously, its a big no-go in real life. You kill someone, you're serving time, period.

But what if you offered to pay the family of the deceased? Should you be allowed off the hook?

This is a role play server, no?


I report someone for RDM, and this was my response from the admin, who today I will not name.

"No action taken. He offered to comp you the 25k you alleged to have lost and you never took it. He also offered to revive you and you declined. Do not report a player for RDM if they offer to comp you."

So, what you mean to tell me is,

I can go around, RDM anybody I please, and I can get away with it, so long as I offer to comp them, and offer a revive. 

Doesn't sound proper to me.

I only bring this to the attention of the general population of Asylum, because this is an ongoing issue as clearly shown here today.

So my question today is:

Why is the one rule, the one biggest rule of Asylum, which has one of the harshest punishments for breaking it, pathetically overlooked by the offer of comp or a revive?

There's no lesson to be learned then, there's no reason to even have the RDM rule in the first place.

I won't name the accused, but assume that some of these Administrators are within the gang the player resided in, (this is an example, not from the actual incident)

Their 'professional' judgement is obviously biased towards their fellow members.


So, aside from all of the hotfixes, bug fixes, and glitch fixes.


When will we see an actual change to the Administration that was responsible for taking care of, and enforcing the rules of the servers?


Or will this be yet again, another topic overlooked.




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isn't one of the admin rules not to do your own gang members and pass that over to someone else?


I mean if he did it by mistake and didn't mean to kill you or you got in the way or something along those lines says sorry even offers to revive and comp you then you shouldn't report him anyway as you won't lose anything except 800 dollars for the revive which i'm sure he would of comped you for anyway.

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Listen bitch this aint no pixel , you aint sitting in jail for four hours cause you shot some kid from Boats N Hoes in kavala.


If you dont like getting rdmed then get the fuck out of kavala and if you dont like the fact that accidents can happen and admins time could be used in places other then comping your fucking backpack with A TOOL KIT IN IT , then leave.





You got the time to type up a storm, then go read the rules you would find that admins can't handle there own gang's reports and you could have that taken care of if this was really something that bothered you that much.



Edited by Sugarfoot
GravL, thero, Eric916 and 3 others like this
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That's fair Manolo, if it was only a one time deal. The person in question I have no problems with, other than they don't even consider the RDM rule after numerous times doing it.


It's not that i'm searching for justice, its an open question. This is very much a large grey area that is, at most times, overlooked.

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3 minutes ago, Shifty said:



That's the stupidest thing I have ever read. I'm asking for an intelligent answer, not the opinion of a cashier at your local K mart.

I would usually not intervene on a post like this but I would to clarify your false statement you made in your original post. The reason why your report was denied was because you chose to respawn and demand 25k worth of gear. The response you were given was, "Show that you had 25,000 worth of gear on you at the time (you cant respawn and make up some obscene amount. you can request the value of your possessions)." The reason why you died was a complete accident. You instead of trying resolve the situation ignored the questions you were asked and went on to report the person. Therefore, if you honestly RDM someone and acknowledge your wrong doing and COMPENSATE THEM or MAKE an EFFORT to compensate them the report will be thrown out because the so called "victim" decided to report rather than solve it on their own. But in all fairness... to each their own..

Edited by Ebola
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Just now, Ebola said:

I appreciate the video, but if you are fully aware of the aggression system. Your name appears red when YOU or ONE OF YOUR GROUP or GANG MEMBERS shoot at one of mine in which I am able to engage you or any of your mutual members. So with that being said, I would also like to point out that when you are standing in the middle of an active firefight I.E. like when you were on my front porch while I was engaging Neil Degrass if you would have died that would have been entirely on you.

It's not my video, it was posted upon request. And I do agree with you on the aggression system. However, in this particular clip, the fighting had ceased when you shot SafeMode in the head at the end of the video. And you were not red named to him.

which in this case, would call for a total revamp of the aggression system so it doesn't lean toward one side over the other. And so these sort of situations (as I stated before, lay within the grey area of RDM) wouldn't occur as often. 

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Just now, Shifty said:

It's not my video, it was posted upon request. And I do agree with you on the aggression system. However, in this particular clip, the fighting had ceased when you shot SafeMode in the head at the end of the video. And you were not red named to him.

which in this case, would call for a total revamp of the aggression system so it doesn't lean toward one side over the other. And so these sort of situations (as I stated before, lay within the grey area of RDM) wouldn't occur as often. 

Yes but in certain situations here is what happens. Say I am your average Joe strolling through kavala with a couple of my buddies. One of your members shoots one of my buddies, Your name will appear red as you guys are the primary aggressors, you could be buying clothes when this goes down, your name is still red my name is not cause I have not shot at you. So in the scenario where I shot him, his name was red... red = dead. 

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I feel the topic has strayed to point the blame at a certain individual, 

This is not the point of the topic.

The topic revolves around the rule of RDM, and again the grey area's in between what's right and whats wrong. That also includes the Aggression System with it as well.

Don't take it personally Ebola, I'm not here to put you in the dirt, but to help fix this problem for the future. Especially the future of kavala bangers.

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Just now, Ebola said:

Yes but in certain situations here is what happens. Say I am your average Joe strolling through kavala with a couple of my buddies. One of your members shoots one of my buddies, Your name will appear red as you guys are the primary aggressors, you could be buying clothes when this goes down, your name is still red my name is not cause I have not shot at you. So in the scenario where I shot him, his name was red... red = dead. 

Regarding that, Luke Skywalker and Jones did not even look twice at SafeMode. Is it really that broken, or?

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Just now, Shifty said:


I feel the topic has strayed to point the blame at a certain individual, 

This is not the point of the topic.

The topic revolves around the rule of RDM, and again the grey area's in between what's right and whats wrong. That also includes the Aggression System with it as well.

Don't take it personally Ebola, I'm not here to put you in the dirt, but to help fix this problem for the future. Especially the future of kavala bangers.

No offense taken, but the point I'm trying to make for you, safemode and anyone confused as to why the report was thrown was because you did not respond to my request to tell me what you had lost. Cannot just say boom 25,000 if you only lost 10,000 worth of gear.

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33 minutes ago, Shifty said:

And Sugar, I never said they specifically handle the report of their gang member. They simply hold a more biased opinion on the matter due to their involvement with their current gang.

If you feel that way report the Admin, there is a section for that!

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57 minutes ago, Shifty said:



That's the stupidest thing I have ever read. I'm asking for an intelligent answer, not the opinion of a cashier at your local K mart.

A. I am a Software Engineer at IBM

B. I have been here for three years thats how this place works, if you dont like it leave.

C. The admins involved with any opinion on a ban do it individually and have no prior establishments with the banned player

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I think it's important to note that all people sometimes make mistakes and maybe in this case this man made a mistake and was to try to make it right. but you chose not to receive compensation or the revive. If I rdm'd someone on accident and tried to make it right but they refused and just reported me. I'd be upset. It doesn't seem fair that you didn't accept his apology and in turn just reported him. Handle stuff at the lowest level. If he had already been banned before for rdm and was a known rule violator, different story. Don't just play to make reports on others. 


Edited by (IFRIT)Mitch
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This is not the place to discuss an admin decision. If you have any concerns about the admins action take it up to the community managers. If you want clarification on something on the grey area, please refer to the next post. 

Remember that you can't post anything on the forums that put other player under a bad light.

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