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Rebel Life Suggestion.

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Just like the Asylum Police Department, Rebels should have a similar function between Bounty hunting and Lethaling people.

I'm not saying go around and shoot people for money, but like Bounty Hunter there should be an application with some name. The application on the phone, once you have the Rebel License of course would task you to engage with a Bounty Hunter on the server and either bring them back to Rebel Outpost to process them and turn them in. Or lethal them with proper initiation to receive half the sum that was formally proposed.

Any suggestions to improve this suggestion would be appreciated.

[ EDIT ] : [ Insert name Liscense ] Would be purchased for [ X ] amount of money. Then you would be able to receive the task for assassinating and or capturing a Bounty hunter. : Credit - KevinOB.

[ EDIT #2 ] : You would only be able to receive the contract [ X ] amount of times until the next server restart. : Credit -Jaeger

Edited by Super Bumbi
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I'm not a big fan getting money for killing people. Unless it gives you a serious bounty and can only be requested a  certain number of times, lets say 2, per restart I would like it.

Rebels should profit from doing rebel activities (Drugs, Cartels, Banks, Feds even giving protection) not from killing people. That's my standing

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/12/2017 at 10:25 AM, Gen. Henry Arnold said:

Lot less BH than rebels around. But the idea is interesting.

I would like to see rebels have access to some sort of talent tree like BH but maybe using something like sins instead of honour 

You are crazy 90% of kavala is BH 


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