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Corruption = Rebels Taking Over Police HQ/Increases Gear Cost

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1 minute ago, Jaylen Sarrett said:

did you read the post before Jessie?


Yes, they are paper thin, thus why you zerg it at once, spread apart so less will die.... Look, if there are no SGTs on, this is the best option you have....


Hatchback zerg can work.  The main problem is the fact that if they manage to kill two or three of the rushers, then it lowers your odds at winning at CQB.  Some LT's don't like to pull hunters, personally I think it's an ego problem and they can't fathom the fact that it might get stolen or destroyed.  I mean, i've seen LT's pull everyone into one channel just to help them recover their fucking stolen hunter, that's ridiculous.  Pulling a hunter makes a HUGE difference in a lot of situations, but yet a lot of people don't do it.

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Just now, Sheriff Rick Grimes said:


Hatchback zerg can work.  The main problem is the fact that if they manage to kill two or three of the rushers, then it lowers your odds at winning at CQB.  Some LT's don't like to pull hunters, personally I think it's an ego problem and they can't fathom the fact that it might get stolen or destroyed.  I mean, i've seen LT's pull everyone into one channel just to help them recover their fucking stolen hunter, that's ridiculous.  Pulling a hunter makes a HUGE difference in a lot of situations, but yet a lot of people don't do it.

Since playing with a LT more recently I kind of understand their financial situation because they are the only ones with access to actual equipment, but I still think a simple hunter/strider will either buy time for hatchbacks or safely transport troops if you know how to drive. I still think there is an issue with how under-equipped constables/corporals are, but thats an issue for the captains. I know theres is a lot of mongols out there in those ranks and I understand not trusting them all with orcas/hunters. 

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4 minutes ago, Jaylen Sarrett said:

Ok, that's fine...

I'm just stating the reason why there is this issue.




 You don't think gangs chop/destroy other gang's orcas, ifrits and large cargo vehicles?  Doesn't just happen to LT's, only difference is civilians have the mind set that if I pull something expensive out, I might lose it. 

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4 minutes ago, Sheriff Rick Grimes said:


 You don't think gangs chop/destroy other gang's orcas, ifrits and large cargo vehicles?  Doesn't just happen to LT's, only difference is civilians have the mind set that if I pull something expensive out, I might lose it. 


Hell if I pull something im fully aware there is a 90% chance its going to get chopped.  It doesn't stop me if we have a good amount of personal.  The problem is, why would I pull something like that 5 cops v 10+ rebels? The odds are so out of our favor that it just doesn't make sense.  Many times when I have gang members playing cop all they want to do is snipe and lethal, its a tough position because you need suppressing fire, but you also need people to rush. Its hard to balance both when you have 5-6 guys.  

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1 hour ago, HotWings said:


Hell if I pull something im fully aware there is a 90% chance its going to get chopped.  It doesn't stop me if we have a good amount of personal.  The problem is, why would I pull something like that 5 cops v 10+ rebels? The odds are so out of our favor that it just doesn't make sense.  Many times when I have gang members playing cop all they want to do is snipe and lethal, its a tough position because you need suppressing fire, but you also need people to rush. Its hard to balance both when you have 5-6 guys.  

yea It really sucks. I just think there is a general issue with not respecting leadership within the APD. A lot of constables from bigger gangs look down on career cops and dont want to take orders from them. I wouldn't mind points given or warnings if someone is just ignoring leadership. Obviously there will be abuse, but higher-ups cannot lead if no one will listen.

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2 hours ago, Jaylen Sarrett said:

did you read the post before Jessie?


Yes, they are paper thin, thus why you zerg it at once, spread apart so less will die.... Look, if there are no SGTs on, this is the best option you have....

There's SGTs online, they're just too busy sitting in senior office chambers watching cat videos to actually hop on the game. 

But god fucking dammit, if you have 5 people in a channel they'll fly in there like a bat out of hell to flex their rank. 

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2 hours ago, Sheriff Rick Grimes said:

Only LT's would have an argument about how their gear is expensive when they are buying an MK1.  If you are getting killed at a higher rate, figure out what the hell you are doing wrong.  I've went through three hour play throughs and didn't lose a single thing and that was with prison breaks and banks happening.  Even if you are losing a lot of your loadouts, you make money on cop at such a fast rate that it's ridiculous.  I literally get capped every three days playing cop. 

These cop v civ arguments have existed since the beginning of time so I won't really make any points on it, however I will note that as LT my loadouts cost minimum $9k, usually more like $15k, and throw in an extra $3k for a drone (I buy 1 every restart).  Lose 3 loadouts in one evening and a chopped hunter seems like small potatoes.  

Not gonna argue or pick a side here, just throwing out some numbers.

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58 minutes ago, Olivia said:

These cop v civ arguments have existed since the beginning of time so I won't really make any points on it, however I will note that as LT my loadouts cost minimum $9k, usually more like $15k, and throw in an extra $3k for a drone (I buy 1 every restart).  Lose 3 loadouts in one evening and a chopped hunter seems like small potatoes.  

Not gonna argue or pick a side here, just throwing out some numbers.


darnit, i hate those pesky numbers and what you people call "facts"

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1 hour ago, epTic said:

There's SGTs online, they're just too busy sitting in senior office chambers watching cat videos to actually hop on the game. 

But god fucking dammit, if you have 5 people in a channel they'll fly in there like a bat out of hell to flex their rank. 

just because they are in a senior office, doesn't mean they have the ability to play.....  And cat videos are win

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2 hours ago, Jaylen Sarrett said:

just because they are in a senior office, doesn't mean they have the ability to play.....  And cat videos are win


If they don't have the ability to play, don't hop into channels and start throwing rank around when we have a working system in place. 


It's one thing if you're gonna hop onto the server and help us, but if you're just going to order us around, get everyone worked up and frustrated, and go back to hiding in senior office quarters, I'll just avoid playing with you at all costs. 

I've done it with every rank imaginable, from cadet to captain...if you come across as an egotistical jackass I'll alt+f4 the moment you log onto the server.  


Edited by epTic
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I had a katiba and a zubr I go to kavala Mr cow shit head sees me and pulls me over for 2 speed tix

I could have avoided this situation but just to prove how robo our cops are.. I get out and put my hands behind my head, thinking i can explain myself.. be let loose to flee from the seen.. 

That didnt happen. What did happen is I get out of car boom slap cop runs up "hey sir imma go surch you rite quik , boom weapons gone more charges added. no chance for any laughter

i start to get salty my hot beach is no longer like a fist of iron

to many pigs here flies near trying to get away inside of the fluid the ocean the waves I go into  a brand new zone


i dont put weapons in trunk just to see if they are robo

not only are they garbo  the more stupid cops in 1 group creates a terrible situation so a good rper cannot really do shit because cops are money hungry as you all explained

the only way is to cleanse the force of good is to kill off all of the zombies...



dont be a cadet lookin for a payday.. go play payday2 if you think your skills are true


Edited by Deathslug
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14 hours ago, HotWings said:


If buying gear is a none issue how come every rebel ever cries when you seize their gun? lol  Cop loadouts are lost at a way higher rate than rebels. While the price may be lower, the fact that you have to buy them all the time in turn makes them much more expensive.  Everything cops do is as an assualtant, in situations that give the defender HUGE advantages.  

this literally gave me aids.... lol a cop can die 10 times and it will come out to the same cost as one rebel loadout. the price is almost the same you say? You keep your vest - 4k, you pay 2k for a gun as a constable which we pay 15k-20k for, and you keep your Y which we pay at least 3-4k for. This isn't including ghillies, etc. Not to start a huge argument, but the facts are just wrong. Rebels pay far much more for their loadouts, and they pay even more if they get arrested , because 45 minutes of jail time is worth a lot more than just one 30k loadout to most people.

Basically 30k rebel loadout + 45min jail possibility, vs 10k for a cop MAX if they die like 4 times at 2.5k per loadout (you are pretty bad at this point) which they probably made 3x that amount during the fight. I'm not going to get into who's easier or who has it harder, but that's basically how it is. You can talk about higher ups having to spend a ton of money, but that isn't relevant. That's like the one rebel that bought an mk200. There aren't a lot of you!

Not to mention doing banks/feds if you have bars in your ifrit/hemmtt , then that's a huge chunk of change that's going to be missing as well.

Idk if it's just me, but it really seems pretty simple 

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19 hours ago, OwenSeven said:

This is gonna quickly turn into why cops and rebels are better or worse, but I just wanna point out once again.


Tactics. If cops just waited to respond to banks/prisons till they had a plan of action. If they just waited after res pawning to zerg. Banks wouldn't become easy by any means, but when there's 1 hatchback every 2-3mins its easy to focus it down. Instead take a minute and get 5-6 with 1 cop a piece and rush it. Guaranteed 2-3 make it through. 

but cops have always had issues with leadership/following orders so it might be a pipe dream

Gaurentee if 5 hatchback sports came in 2 max would be killed before Murmurs , Quattro, Relic, or any other sniper would take your head off leaving you with one less player

and a shit ton of cars to now take care of.

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7 hours ago, Olivia said:

These cop v civ arguments have existed since the beginning of time so I won't really make any points on it, however I will note that as LT my loadouts cost minimum $9k, usually more like $15k, and throw in an extra $3k for a drone (I buy 1 every restart).  Lose 3 loadouts in one evening and a chopped hunter seems like small potatoes.  

Not gonna argue or pick a side here, just throwing out some numbers.

So on average you lose around 70k a night if you lose that hunter. Do you profit any or just go even with money? Cause I think thats one thing that some people are forgetting. Rebels will always lose money on a night no matter how successful a bank is. With 6-7 members splitting 120k you are still losing money if you died. 

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3 hours ago, OwenSeven said:

So on average you lose around 70k a night if you lose that hunter. Do you profit any or just go even with money? Cause I think thats one thing that some people are forgetting. Rebels will always lose money on a night no matter how successful a bank is. With 6-7 members splitting 120k you are still losing money if you died. 

word so wushu sayin is rebels tend to live longer becuase they risk cops just jellyflop all over the place and come back like toothpaste

Edited by Deathslug
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9 hours ago, Olivia said:

These cop v civ arguments have existed since the beginning of time so I won't really make any points on it, however I will note that as LT my loadouts cost minimum $9k, usually more like $15k, and throw in an extra $3k for a drone (I buy 1 every restart).  Lose 3 loadouts in one evening and a chopped hunter seems like small potatoes.  

Not gonna argue or pick a side here, just throwing out some numbers.

And in an evening of rebel I use the same three load outs, but mine cost 25k a piece. And you are paid for all the actions of all the cops, the rebels only make money when they go sit still for a few hours and gather ingredients.

You don't lose money on cop outside of the occasional big vehicle loss.  As an LT I always carried a 7.62, never used the Mk20.  Still made enough money to pay for cop and rebel gear later on in the night.  And I spent a lot of time on cop just buying loadout after loadout and pulling hunters on every server to go help at the banks/feds/prisons.  I understand that the majority of cops are in a shitty position at the bank, and I always did everything in my power short of breaking police guidelines to help the cops win (well and I didn't really fly much because I suck at it).

The fact of the matter is, cops always have the ability to win at the bank/fed/prison.  There are approaches (I won't use the word tactics and cop) that are proven to be quite successful at each of these engagements, but they require some semblance of leadership which unfortunately is damned hard to get out of a lot of the cops.  The problem is you have 10+ constables online that are playing cop to make a pretty penny and never buy more than an Mk20.  This hamstrings the entire police force at these engagements.

And getting the cops in order can include giving them an order to purchase a proper firearm.  90% of the higherups don't have the stomach to put their foot down and tell everyone this is how we are doing it and actually grabbing specific people and assigning them specific tasks.  This is something I learned from Dust Runner the day I got Sgt, before SWAT made the Fed all broken as fuck for the rebels.  You give specific people specific assignments and you do your damnedest to make them understand that they better not fuck this up.  And they go back to the same spot and complete that task and if they want to go play Chris Kyle Jr. with their MkShittyC then they can go to someone else's precinct.

If its the prison, you pick two or three cops who have a clue as to how to shoot and make them hard aim.  You set certain officers to always come back as divers and harass the front sandbags. You start pilling on the back of the island and overwhelm them in the compound.  Done.

If its the bank, yes it is a lot more challenging. Honestly, get a drone up.  Most of you are going to do a hell of a lot more actually having teeth and giving orders than you will with your mediocre to shitty shooting ability.  Considering the cops don't have much time, you only have one or two shots at success at the bank.  Coordinate with SWAT.  Quit trying to control the fucking broken house building that all the 7.62s can wallbang and your pea-shooters cannot.  Determine the situation at 1st ATM, place shooters accordingly.  Control lighthouse.  Depending on Orca location, send divers.  And push the ever living fuck out of the bottom floor.  You simply need to eliminate the exterior shooters that can control the back and front door so that you can push those locations.  Deal with the roof at the end, or don't at all.  Your goal is the money, not flaunting over Rebel Department that you raped their entire roof crew.

Leadership in combat is something so many higher ups claim to have, saying "hey I pull Hunters", "I spend lots on my undercover loadouts!!!" and shit that does nothing to help the betterment of the cops.  If you want to win, someone has to put their big boy pants on and get something done at the beginning before all 20 cadets and constables start groaning as they repeatedly smash their hatchbacks against the wall that is the bank.

But hey, what would I know, I got removed.

Edited by Ranger
Deathslug, Olivia, OwenSeven and 1 other like this
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9 hours ago, OwenSeven said:

So on average you lose around 70k a night if you lose that hunter. Do you profit any or just go even with money? Cause I think thats one thing that some people are forgetting. Rebels will always lose money on a night no matter how successful a bank is. With 6-7 members splitting 120k you are still losing money if you died. 

I still profit for sure.  I mean I've seen cadets earn $300k in 2 days and I'm far from that.  Depends on the day but if it's a slow day I'll make about $5k/hour as cop I'd estimate?  Then if we have a few successful banks/prisons it might end up being about $15k/hour for that evening?  I really should pay closer attention.  I never have to do drug runs on civ to pay for anything, but as a caveat I don't play civ frequently and I bought 1 mill off a friend who quit Asylum so that chunk of change has lasted me.  I wish I could be in a gang full time but I just don't have the time.

Ranger, you really hit the nail on the head though, nothing much I can add to that.  Really a humbling read.  I have no valid excuses I can make as to why my officers don't perform better under my command.  What you said is very true and we could use more higher ups that don't sugarcoat this stuff.  

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10 hours ago, Poko said:

this literally gave me aids.... lol a cop can die 10 times and it will come out to the same cost as one rebel loadout. the price is almost the same you say? You keep your vest - 4k, you pay 2k for a gun as a constable which we pay 15k-20k for, and you keep your Y which we pay at least 3-4k for. This isn't including ghillies, etc. Not to start a huge argument, but the facts are just wrong. Rebels pay far much more for their loadouts, and they pay even more if they get arrested , because 45 minutes of jail time is worth a lot more than just one 30k loadout to most people.

Basically 30k rebel loadout + 45min jail possibility, vs 10k for a cop MAX if they die like 4 times at 2.5k per loadout (you are pretty bad at this point) which they probably made 3x that amount during the fight. I'm not going to get into who's easier or who has it harder, but that's basically how it is. You can talk about higher ups having to spend a ton of money, but that isn't relevant. That's like the one rebel that bought an mk200. There aren't a lot of you!

Not to mention doing banks/feds if you have bars in your ifrit/hemmtt , then that's a huge chunk of change that's going to be missing as well.

Idk if it's just me, but it really seems pretty simple 

Im not sure where you get a rebel load out costs 10 times as much as a cop loadout, that is a 100% fabricated number.  As a copy ou pay 3.5k at minimum for an MXC, 4.4k for the MX, 5.5k for the MXM, and around 9k for the MK1 plus mags/scopes.  A rebel firearm is 8k for Mk18s and 12k for mk1, plus mags and a scope. That is 6.5 for cops and 7.62 for rebel considering the much better firepower there really is a minimal price difference. We actually don't keep our y inventory since its bugged and has been bugged for as long as I can remember. Most of what we buy disappears upon death because our Y is bugged to 0 weight 99% of the time.  You then want to include luxury items, which should not even be considered when comparing like gear. You can buy a uniform for less than 1k, but choose to spend the extra that doesn't count a ghillie is not required equipment nor are grenades.  I got to rebel and pull out 22k and always put around 4k back when I play rebel and that includes a full Y.


The basic rebel load out is 18k which is nowhere close to 30k.  If I die 4 times im losing dam near 40k and that doesn't include the vehicles Im losing that cost 30k-100k each if I pull armor just for the car/chopper (I have lost more armor than I can even count). I dont get to go craft mine for dam near nothing. I dont get to craft guns for free.  We get paid 25% of a bounty when people are lethalled (which is split between all cops), those people then are required to get pardoned and get resed and continue to fight and lose nothing but their bounty.  On top of that, the odds of you actually getting caught to get sent to jail is slim considering most rebel v cop activities are done in areas where rebels have massive tactical advantages and cover.  When we do manage to catch a large group that requires a large group of cops. Taking your bounty and spreading 50% of that between 20 people.  Thus effectively giving me a 1k paycheck.  You're right, the numbers dont lie.


As far ask making money goes? I stay even, I lose some and I gain some.  I make more money selling scotch than anything else when I decide to do it.  

Edited by HotWings
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14 minutes ago, HotWings said:

Im not sure where you get a rebel load out costs 10 times as much as a cop loadout, that is a 100% fabricated number.  As a copy ou pay 3.5k at minimum for an MXC, 4.4k for the MX, 5.5k for the MXM, and around 9k for the MK1 plus mags/scopes.  A rebel firearm is 8k for Mk18s and 12k for mk1, plus mags and a scope.

I think his point is that cops at least have the option to not buy a gun since the MK-20 is free (and plenty of cops don't buy a gun).  So if a cop doesn't buy a gun or uniform, they're probably spending at most 2-3k on some blood bags, maybe a few mags, scope and some Y.  30k = 10 x 3k.  Sure rebels don't have to spend 30k but it's definitely far from uncommon.  

Rebel gets expensive : (  Whenever I do play civ I can easily burn through 200k in 3 hours and that's mild by some standards

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18 hours ago, OwenSeven said:

yea It really sucks. I just think there is a general issue with not respecting leadership within the APD. A lot of constables from bigger gangs look down on career cops and dont want to take orders from them. I wouldn't mind points given or warnings if someone is just ignoring leadership. Obviously there will be abuse, but higher-ups cannot lead if no one will listen.

Every time I've listened to a higher up, it's always been some retarded tactic that gets us instantly killed. 

Hot landing on top of 20 guys with 7.62 while in a hummingbird with 5 tops? gr8 tactic m8 i r8 8/8. 

If leadership is going to start giving points for not following their retarded ideas, I'll just hop onto civ and join the fight against them or go play a different game all together. 

You can't expect people with logic and critical thinking skills to follow orders given to them by Bubbles. 

Edited by epTic
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3 hours ago, epTic said:

Every time I've listened to a higher up, it's always been some retarded tactic that gets us instantly killed. 

Hot landing on top of 20 guys with 7.62 while in a hummingbird with 5 tops? gr8 tactic m8 i r8 8/8. 

If leadership is going to start giving points for not following their retarded ideas, I'll just hop onto civ and join the fight against them or go play a different game all together. 

You can't expect people with logic and critical thinking skills to follow orders given to them by Bubbles. 


I have no issue myself giving people a chance to lead, I normally let the SWAT lead take charge since I took myself off of SWAT.. Hell how do I know if I should vote for someone if I dont.  That being said, you're right. I have seen people deploy the same strat that worked one time against a group of noobs over and over again.  

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All I know is something must be fixed to change up asylums game play so that so many of innocents are not getting banned for the reports of those who are misguided by foolish wisdom on what is wrong and what is right.

Coke, drugz, knowing how to RP and not be a little pussy ass bitch that's just looking to get a higher pay check 

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27 minutes ago, Deathslug said:

All I know is something must be fixed to change up asylums game play so that so many of innocents are not getting banned for the reports of those who are misguided by foolish wisdom on what is wrong and what is right.

Coke, drugz, knowing how to RP and not be a little pussy ass bitch that's just looking to get a higher pay check 

Nobody gets banned for what a player thinks is wrong and right. 

People get banned because the admins look at the report and feel as if the player in question broke the rules...

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12 hours ago, Ranger said:

And in an evening of rebel I use the same three load outs, but mine cost 25k a piece. And you are paid for all the actions of all the cops, the rebels only make money when they go sit still for a few hours and gather ingredients.

You don't lose money on cop outside of the occasional big vehicle loss.  As an LT I always carried a 7.62, never used the Mk20.  Still made enough money to pay for cop and rebel gear later on in the night.  And I spent a lot of time on cop just buying loadout after loadout and pulling hunters on every server to go help at the banks/feds/prisons.  I understand that the majority of cops are in a shitty position at the bank, and I always did everything in my power short of breaking police guidelines to help the cops win (well and I didn't really fly much because I suck at it).

The fact of the matter is, cops always have the ability to win at the bank/fed/prison.  There are approaches (I won't use the word tactics and cop) that are proven to be quite successful at each of these engagements, but they require some semblance of leadership which unfortunately is damned hard to get out of a lot of the cops.  The problem is you have 10+ constables online that are playing cop to make a pretty penny and never buy more than an Mk20.  This hamstrings the entire police force at these engagements.

And getting the cops in order can include giving them an order to purchase a proper firearm.  90% of the higherups don't have the stomach to put their foot down and tell everyone this is how we are doing it and actually grabbing specific people and assigning them specific tasks.  This is something I learned from Dust Runner the day I got Sgt, before SWAT made the Fed all broken as fuck for the rebels.  You give specific people specific assignments and you do your damnedest to make them understand that they better not fuck this up.  And they go back to the same spot and complete that task and if they want to go play Chris Kyle Jr. with their MkShittyC then they can go to someone else's precinct.

If its the prison, you pick two or three cops who have a clue as to how to shoot and make them hard aim.  You set certain officers to always come back as divers and harass the front sandbags. You start pilling on the back of the island and overwhelm them in the compound.  Done.

If its the bank, yes it is a lot more challenging. Honestly, get a drone up.  Most of you are going to do a hell of a lot more actually having teeth and giving orders than you will with your mediocre to shitty shooting ability.  Considering the cops don't have much time, you only have one or two shots at success at the bank.  Coordinate with SWAT.  Quit trying to control the fucking broken house building that all the 7.62s can wallbang and your pea-shooters cannot.  Determine the situation at 1st ATM, place shooters accordingly.  Control lighthouse.  Depending on Orca location, send divers.  And push the ever living fuck out of the bottom floor.  You simply need to eliminate the exterior shooters that can control the back and front door so that you can push those locations.  Deal with the roof at the end, or don't at all.  Your goal is the money, not flaunting over Rebel Department that you raped their entire roof crew.

Leadership in combat is something so many higher ups claim to have, saying "hey I pull Hunters", "I spend lots on my undercover loadouts!!!" and shit that does nothing to help the betterment of the cops.  If you want to win, someone has to put their big boy pants on and get something done at the beginning before all 20 cadets and constables start groaning as they repeatedly smash their hatchbacks against the wall that is the bank.

But hey, what would I know, I got removed.

All higher-ups should read this. Too many egos in the higher ranks and not enough leaders.

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12 hours ago, Ranger said:

And in an evening of rebel I use the same three load outs, but mine cost 25k a piece. And you are paid for all the actions of all the cops, the rebels only make money when they go sit still for a few hours and gather ingredients.

You don't lose money on cop outside of the occasional big vehicle loss.  As an LT I always carried a 7.62, never used the Mk20.  Still made enough money to pay for cop and rebel gear later on in the night.  And I spent a lot of time on cop just buying loadout after loadout and pulling hunters on every server to go help at the banks/feds/prisons.  I understand that the majority of cops are in a shitty position at the bank, and I always did everything in my power short of breaking police guidelines to help the cops win (well and I didn't really fly much because I suck at it).

The fact of the matter is, cops always have the ability to win at the bank/fed/prison.  There are approaches (I won't use the word tactics and cop) that are proven to be quite successful at each of these engagements, but they require some semblance of leadership which unfortunately is damned hard to get out of a lot of the cops.  The problem is you have 10+ constables online that are playing cop to make a pretty penny and never buy more than an Mk20.  This hamstrings the entire police force at these engagements.

And getting the cops in order can include giving them an order to purchase a proper firearm.  90% of the higherups don't have the stomach to put their foot down and tell everyone this is how we are doing it and actually grabbing specific people and assigning them specific tasks.  This is something I learned from Dust Runner the day I got Sgt, before SWAT made the Fed all broken as fuck for the rebels.  You give specific people specific assignments and you do your damnedest to make them understand that they better not fuck this up.  And they go back to the same spot and complete that task and if they want to go play Chris Kyle Jr. with their MkShittyC then they can go to someone else's precinct.

If its the prison, you pick two or three cops who have a clue as to how to shoot and make them hard aim.  You set certain officers to always come back as divers and harass the front sandbags. You start pilling on the back of the island and overwhelm them in the compound.  Done.

If its the bank, yes it is a lot more challenging. Honestly, get a drone up.  Most of you are going to do a hell of a lot more actually having teeth and giving orders than you will with your mediocre to shitty shooting ability.  Considering the cops don't have much time, you only have one or two shots at success at the bank.  Coordinate with SWAT.  Quit trying to control the fucking broken house building that all the 7.62s can wallbang and your pea-shooters cannot.  Determine the situation at 1st ATM, place shooters accordingly.  Control lighthouse.  Depending on Orca location, send divers.  And push the ever living fuck out of the bottom floor.  You simply need to eliminate the exterior shooters that can control the back and front door so that you can push those locations.  Deal with the roof at the end, or don't at all.  Your goal is the money, not flaunting over Rebel Department that you raped their entire roof crew.

Leadership in combat is something so many higher ups claim to have, saying "hey I pull Hunters", "I spend lots on my undercover loadouts!!!" and shit that does nothing to help the betterment of the cops.  If you want to win, someone has to put their big boy pants on and get something done at the beginning before all 20 cadets and constables start groaning as they repeatedly smash their hatchbacks against the wall that is the bank.

But hey, what would I know, I got removed.

The only intelligent person... seriously.

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1 minute ago, epTic said:

of course cops are gonna show up around rodopoli...it's along a major highway with various illegal areas nearby...

Nah I'm talking about when it's available for cap and they cruise through and hit sirens and shit because one of us have bounties. We just make jokes about cops always coming. We have more fights with cops than rebels over turfs.

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3 minutes ago, Parker said:

Nah I'm talking about when it's available for cap and they cruise through and hit sirens and shit because one of us have bounties. We just make jokes about cops always coming. We have more fights with cops than rebels over turfs.

If you see this on P3 let us know, the P3 forum thread shows that our philosophy includes: "allowing rebels to have fun fighting each other at contested turfs and not intervening in the battle"

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