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Hey guys!

It's been a little while (2 weeks) since I posted last, but here is the newest video in my PUBG series! I appreciate all the feedback from previous videos as I have implemented even MORE additions to better the YouTube channel, which is almost at 200 guys! Once we hit 500 subs I will be doing a giveaway so don't forget to stay active, like, share and comment around so we can grow even more. Anyways, back to the video, in this video I cover some of the more critical steps in which some of them you may overlook or deem unimportant although these crucial steps can be the difference between a win and a loss. I cover weapons, vehicles, cover and concealment and other tips following the most recent update! If you guys like the video please remember to like, comment and subscribe for additional content in the future and thanks again for all of your support!



skrood, Xehons, bum41 and 1 other like this
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Just now, Jimbo said:




right click the fuel can

hold ctrl

swap to grenade for 15 seconds then finally pull your shotgun out

fall damage exists

learned alot thx


grass actually renders in at 200m btw

I covered a bit more than that but I figured a visual perspective would help people. I appreciate your feedback though, and as far as grass rendering I said it renders around 150 meters, and it just depends on the gamer. A lot of people lower their grass graphics settings in order to see players from far out. Either way thanks for the criticism. I'm going to do something a bit more elaborate for weapons and sight pictures but that'll be a bit as I will be playing Destiny for a little while. @frantic Thanks for the feedback bro, I guess it just goes to show player style is the ultimate compliment to gaming ability here. I usually use the scroll wheel because it feels natural, but either way I really appreciate your comment bro! 

bum41 likes this
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Just now, Henry Facesmasher said:

teach people how to crouch/jump keybind 

I will as soon as I figure out the convoluted program you have to install to do it. They hotfixed the crouch jump for some reason, like it is some sort of exploit when it isn't. The only exploit associated with crouch jumping was the ability to jump through windows without breaking them, even though they already fixed that. But I'll definitely make a video on how to keybind and run the program to enable crouch jumping. It's nothing too crazy.

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Just now, Mr Smirnoff said:

tip 1 - dont play it :) 

I dunno man I have played so much of it in ARMA 3 that after I got my first win in PUBG I haven't played it again its like "I beat the game" feeling you know. I think I just played way too much of it back in the day on ARMA 3.

What im hearing is youre just too good for the newbs on pubg

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4 hours ago, wollie35 said:

i dont like ur promoting laying on the ground in the end, i know its smart, but such a gay way ;P

I agree with you, I usually blitzkrieg people and just tank through but I am teaching people the concealment method as a smart way of winning the game. But again, I agree with you lol. Thanks again bro! 

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