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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Legit

  1. What I said is just an estimate if you were to hold that constant speed. I know your pain, slow internet blows in 2018.
  2. 600 Kbps would take you ~15 days, 600 KBps would take you ~2 days.
  3. So if you prefer to use anything other than default keybindings you shouldn't play?
  4. At the start of the bank people consistently ask for lethals before anybody has even gotten there. They should be improved on both sides, cops shouldn't be able to call them as easily and rebels shouldn't be able to use it as a free and easy pardon. Something that fixes both problems would get my vote. Increased jail time, additional charges, losing their weapon—anything that wouldn't promote (and fixes) this.
  5. Has it already gone down or does it come up at a certain time? I have yet to get a chance to move my things
  6. I've had situations where somebody was No Unit for me but not for somebody else, I couldn't interact with them and they couldn't hear me but others could. Trying to tell some random dude to tell some other dude he is bugged is really fun, try it some time.
  7. Was he Error:No Unit? When that happens you can't restrain them and downing rounds lethal.
  8. There is an audio setting on Shadowplay that allows you to record in two channels, I've never had this work for me so you could try disabling/enabling that. I believe it records audio from whatever is set to your default output/communication, make sure they are both set to the same device. Other then that I'd say the best option is to just run Audacity as you play or use OBS.
  9. Sorry, who? I don't know anybody named Kim Jung-un
  10. Went to a bank and texted one of the gang members that I'd revive their comrade at lighthouse. They shot me down as soon as I landed and their friend died. Came back to revive cops out of spite and then a cop shot me out. I'l stick to the truck.
  11. Huge +1 for this one, this will make my BH carrier wet and dirty again
  12. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 40k Location (Town/DP#): Kavala Rebel Asking Price: BO Description: Great for avoiding bounty hunters at donor, just a short uphill walk to the outpost. Pictures/Video Walk-through:
  13. I lost interest after the Trump rap, I'm not a fan of Trump but I think adding politics to your raps is just bad taste. (Plus it was pretty shit either way)
  14. I don't understand how they think things like this will work. Tanoa should be a perfect example that you need a dedicated group of cops if you want any kind of player base on the server, cops are literally half the game. Without them it's just money making and big dick gangs thinking they are beasts because they own a cartel on a server with 15 people.
  15. I see this going two ways for the APD, 1. Only constables play because nobody wants to be whitelisted on a server that isn't reliably up. 2. Everybody is whitelisted and it ends up like Tanoa where nobody plays because there is nobody to brown nose. I don't see how with the current way precincts work you could have two servers that are only up when they meet a certain criteria. Basically screws anybody that wants to play on S3/S2 during non prime NA time.
  16. Assuming S2 goes down that kinda cucks all the people who invested a lot of money into housing locations, while making the housing on the other servers more expensive & desirable in turn making it harder to buy all your houses back on the remaining servers. I'm sure the only way people affected could fully get behind a server going down is if players were compensated a realistic value for their houses, or a system was put in place allowing people to have similar use of their house on a separate server. Accessing your crates @ AE would be a pretty sloppy way to solve the problem considering most of the AE locations are out of the way.
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