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Everything posted by danile666

  1. Honestly whip up a good skin with the changes and submit it as a suggestion, who knows what might happen.
  2. So I missed a lot of the shooty shooty action of the strider chase since I was driving or in custody most of it, but here is my POV. A lot of people said this was a blast. @DarkKnight @Survivalizer @Slade Wilson @HomeUser @Master27411 @Donutkiller @Tyler @bbgreg17 @Patato @JamieH @Hunt @Blake. Tag anyone else im missing, mostly the cops cause idk who all was there
  3. I cant think of anywhere that it is the law to have a supervisor if one is asked for. Some places might have a policy, but that is going to be rare. Most supervisors know their guys are trained well enough to handle situations, and will call if a situation actually needs them. If they were required to respond to every supervisor request you would just never have cops doing anything... Also this chick was 2 weeks out of FTL, which is likely why her mistake occured. She did resign which was right, and i honestly dont disagree with p much everything else you say here.
  4. I was on my way back to the prison when I got vdmed
  5. Dept policy is stricter than the law though. Hence why she resigned in all likely hood. It could be a legal shoot and against policy. Was an unfortunate shoot but a justified one. Everyone's life on the scene there and their families lives are forever changed.
  6. I mean you can shoot someone that is a threat to the life or great bodily injury of another officer. Dude was pretty large and manhandling her partner. Armed is irrelevant which so many people don't understand. Most times the justification for deadly force is present when less than lethals are utilized. So her statement for use of taser was likely enough for deadly force hence the justified. She will lose her ass in civil court though.
  7. yeah, all is good though.
  8. Or you could quit spoonfeeding these rebels all day long and make them actually fight for things? It is getting old.
  9. I mean it does happen. When the cops do breach the front and start pushing ive seen civs jump the balcony with cops following up the stairs or through the doors, hit the sign, and jet or turn around behind the cops shooting them. I have also seen guys hide in the prison, and then when the cops are processing hit the sign and start shooting them up. I have seen sui vests used like this as well. As far as lethaling people, everyone has been complaining on here that they wish cops would stop lethaling. I prefer not to lethal someone just because they are in a spot logically i should be able to get in and out of. Remove the TP, add a ladder. It serves both sides. That seems like the compromise.
  10. There ya go for an answer. So jumping out of the prison or over a wall during the prison break would not be allowed.
  11. There are some honest rebel updates, like removing the 1 person driller at the bank, making it more like the prison. Skim through it then bash it.
  12. I mean it was developed for everyone, including cops. So it is not using civilian mechanics. I am not defending that it was a bit silly to teleport in behind half the rebels. it was defendable, but definitely a silly teleport location. If you are talking about the super jumps mentioned above to get out, its been stated by numerous admins that using that to gain any sort of tactical advantage is an exploit. So thats not a legitimate way out. You are initiated, cannot soft log. Get a lift? thats a bit of a joke tbh. Again multiple admins have stated it is not allowed. Maybe we need some written clarification, I will post in the grey area for sever wide on this. But I highly doubt you want high flying cops coming at you as well, this would put me in much better positions than the sign would...
  13. What are you even on about. There was never a policy preventing cops from using the teleport. So saying it was abused or to blacklist them is a bit silly. When I asked JB, who created the prison he stated he initially intended the sign to be used for all. As far as it being for all civilians, why wouldn't it be a way for everyone to get out of the prison. The suggestion to add a ladder makes sense if the teleport is removed for both sides. It is called balance. And sure I am a career cop, but I do plenty of banks, prisons, and feds throughout the week. So I do see how easy it is to defend the prison, as we often do it.
  14. I would be ok with a ladder up the wall if the teleport was also removed for rebels.
  15. I mean I am just asking for balance. You are the one that seems to prefer things to be one-sided. Afraid of losing a little bit of the edge that has been spoonfed to rebels as of late?
  16. I mean, there are other reasons to be inside the prison, like restraining a downed rebel. If you feel this is no different than soft logging it should be removed as a feature for rebels then too under that logic. A combat log is a combat log. If everyone is stuck on equal terms that is one thing. The sign remains where it is. The teleportation location should be moved outside the Bargate, but in the open. It is pretty simple buddy, if someone gets in cover it... But I realize most rebels want things handed to them nowadays anyways.
  17. Right, flying a heli into the prison yard and out will work well... It is a prison, you are stuck. You are also initiated so soft log wouldnt work. It also makes no sense that the police would just be stuck inside of it. This is also why i suggested teleport outside the gate, smack in the middle, no cover. You are at a sever disadvantage there. If you are afraid of covering a single sign, and a single point upfront you should already have clean view on, I do not know what to tell ya.
  18. I just see it blown up so much by drug runner planes, I figure just make it more straight forward so everyone is on the same page. I am not talking TS tags, ingame titles like invisible, hardened, and such. The idea is to just give more variety in game. I mean if they have been around forever why not the choice for some variety. I fall in the prison all the time because of a terrible pilot, or the poor clipping on it. This is why i also suggested limiting it to the one sign, and possibly moving the spawn outside the gate. If a rebel gang cant cover 1 simple sign they probably should be doing the prison. Also if it teleports outside the bargate you are right in the sight of both deerstands with teleport lag. Chances are you get shot, but at least you have that split second chance to hit a sandbag on the front.
  19. 1. Bring back the APD suggestion box, I like having a private place to suggest things to captains that they had to respond to. 2. I believe number 4 should be changed on the guidebook for lethals. I think it should read: " If there is 1 minute remaining until server restarts and you are already initiated with someone you may lethal them if there is not enough time to transfer the suspect to the nearest HQ or Prison. If they are already in custody follow the 1-minute procedure. " The reason behind this suggestion is I have seen APD officers take advantage of the current wording to roll around with seconds left siren and just lethal people with their pants down who are waiting for the or restart. It is a shitty way to lose a gearset and does not benefit anyone but the APD officer trying to stack some money. If they were already initiated it makes perfect sense to lethal the dudes under 1 minute as you would do it in a 1 min procedure anyways if they refuse a full ticket/too far away. Either that or remove lethals from constables. 3. Extend the prison cool down timer to be longer. It is a bit silly how often we are forced to respond to an event right now. Sometimes its back to back for hours and some of us simply want to go on patrol at a certain point. I respond to everything and dont log off, but it gets boring AF sometimes responding to the same things over and over and over with no breaks in between. 4. Allow APD to use the sign inside prison again. Make it the sign right up against the wall, it is not that hard to defend for rebels. If you are on APD and you fall in you pretty much have to wait until the engagement is over or kill yourself by walking into line of sight to continue with the fight. Need to restrain a rebel inside prison? you are stuck. Maybe have the sign spawn you outside the gates to even it out a bit. 5. Make the bank drill similar to the prison script. If you do not require the driller to be immediately on the drill it makes no sense that disabling 1 dude sitting on the roof stops the bank. Make it a straight 10 min countdown, and if the APD does not stop the drill the vault opens for x amount of minutes regardless who is in the bank. This would have the side benefit of allowing roachers to get the money if they push the original drillers off the bank as well. It honestly makes sense and is a win-win for all sides. 6. Increase the payout for APD disabling the drill. I believe this should be implemented to stop the sniper elite battles that continue to happen. I am not sure how much it should be increased, but enough to add incentive to push. Maybe the APD officer who disables the drill gets like 25k reward and the rest stay at the 10k? incentivize actually ending the bank. 7. The lighthouse is blown up often at the bank through silly means already. Add a new virtual inventory item that costs like 20k that can be placed exclusively on the lighthouse to destroy it. Make everyones life simpler if that is their tactical decision, and make it cost a little money. 8. Add a senior title usable by APD officers. Many officers have been around for a long time, while others are rather new. It wouldnt add anything new to the abilities, just another title to flaunt if you wished.
  20. There is tons that can be done, but that would require a modded server. Which is the opposite of what asylum is all about. Best they can do is update skins, which would be a breath of fresh air tbh
  21. I mean having more inventory is nice. The extra space pilot covs makes is a cool thing. I don't think speeding should be too large. Maybe more than it is. I've pulled people over for it to just talk to them. Would be nice if they were a little concerned about it for rp sake. The lights are meh cause then we would all have to remember to turn them off as well.
  22. This. Op is trying to fix a non-existent problem. I do agree more people should push, but I have been part of and seen many pushes, many hotdrops, and many higher ups denying lethals, or calling out to lethal a specific number of people. Also there is a problem with the fact that most events that occur have no higher ups on, or they log when they are triggered. So armor and orcas are rarely even in the discussion. I make the bank push in a hatch about 60% of the time, it is all about your lines. And I love me some flashbangs. They just dont hit the whole roof/disable for long enough. Plus it seems most rebels know where to look to not get a flash to the face. Most of the APD does not want to lethal. They would rather bring you in and process you. Often times they are left with lethals as an only option when faced with the constant overwhelming odds.
  23. I am trippin i guess, its alphabetical. font must have thrown me off.
  24. I checked it about an hour ago when I was on and it was not alphabetical on p2
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