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APD Officer
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Everything posted by HotWings

  1. The president isn't the scientist or Dr, he is going by what Fauci, the CDC, WHO, or other doctors are saying. I'm sorry if you don't like that lol. Source please, I believe you are REALLY skewing what was said here if anything along those lines was even said. Who wears caps? I think you means masks and non medical masks are useless actually, even the CDC wont confirm they block the virus (their website says "may block the virus"), because they only block spit. As a trained biological agents expert in the Army I can tell you they don't block the virus, the virus is too small and passes right thru the materials. The majority of the masks are not even form fitting and allow all the spit they are supposed to block to flow around the sides, and the virus to pass right thru. But sure, continue to believe they are some how protecting you. The ONLY reason he wore one was because he was in the VA hospital to visit injured soldiers and the hospital has a policy that anyone who enters has to wear one (I know since I went to the VA ER a few days ago for a migraine and had to wear one). WHO and CDC have both confirmed that there have been 0 confirmed cases of asymptomatic transmission of the virus btw essentially meaning there is no reason to wear the mask to begin with. *shrug* Actually he ordered restrictions from China in January, before the CDC and WHO said to do so. This was before we knew it was in the US. Some democrats called him a racist and said he was acting too soon. Even late February democrats were saying that this travel restriction was unnecessary. Hes a reality tv star, hes been doing this for years, if you thought he was going to be someone different from who he was you are actually the mong. Trump allowed the states to handle the pandemic how they saw fit, the democratic states have failed big time, they've killed alot of people, instead of looking at it for what it is we blame Trump, because if you break it down and look it by the failing states you see that its failing democrats and we cant have that now can we? NY, NJ, CA have the most deaths by far, you know why? The governor of NY refused to use the Navy hospital ships and temporary hospitals Trump sent to help him and instead sent all the sick patients back to the nursing homes to infect all the healthy people who ended up being dying too. Buy I'm sure its Trumps fault for sending those resources he failed to use right? For the record I don't particularly care for Trump one way or another, but speaking out of your ass just to trash someone is stupid.
  2. If you're going to post propaganda pictures post them with context. They are only burying people on Hart Island if they bodies go unclaimed, they are not doing mass burials. Or Fauci, the CDC, and WHO saying "corona virus is nothing to worry about, we should focus our efforts on the upcoming flu season" Then corona exploding and everyone blaming the president.
  3. So just to be clear, the rule states "no bombing with a sling" and you're somehow trying to justify it by saying its a speedbomb? You understand that by calling it a bomb and also admitting that you are dropping it from a sling that you are essentially saying its against the rules right? On a real note, it should 100% be against the rules to drop a literal bomb on anyone without initiation.
  4. Paintballing is only allowed by captains.
  5. They make actual servers for that. Its actually kind of sad when people people choose to dumpster kids on a life server instead of going to a server meant specifically for PVP. This is the most egregious act in the APD didnt you know? Captains can run around RDM'ing people, combat seizing vehicles, all kinds of shit, but damned Billy if you joke around with a friend your APD career is over.
  6. I love how Leady says APD officers driving vehicles from the FED is against server rules so the captains create to rule allowing combat seizing. The is in direct opposition of server rules. Then in exactly the fashion you would expect defends the stupid fucking rule by saying "nah bro its cool, the captains would never abuse it because its going to be rare" Captains have been shitting on the rules for literally years, and everyone with the power to stop is just doesnt give a fuck. Its honestly comical at this point. Throw around some fancy words and sentences and people drink that shit up like coolaid. Im not sure if I should be impressed or disgusted at this point.
  7. If you catch someone with not time before restart it doesn't matter if you're good at time management or not, there is no time before restart. Learn not to be stupid please.
  8. Captains have to get caught accepting nudes to get in trouble, dont waste your time people.
  9. No, its because no one wants to do the FED, Prison, Bank every 12 fucking minutes against people who have superior weapons and are in entrenched positions. Fights can be fun every now and then, but believe it or not not everyone wants to play KOTH with you and the rest of your gang. I quite playing for 2 reasons, gangs cried about literally everything and when something got nerfed they bitch and cry until they get it back, and because everyone wanted to treat the server like its KOTH or wasteland. Everyone literally ignores RP unless there is some way to weasel a player report against a cop.
  10. No, no it doesn't help people. That shows them the server shouldn't be taken seriously which is exactly why you got removed. No, VDM is never permitted, I dont care if you text them first you idiot. As both of you prove the point that this community is too toxic to be saved.
  11. HotWings


    Billy is just a salty little bitch when its comes to just about everything Im not surprised.
  12. 5 years ago arma had like 500% more players in the player base. The servers and arma are simply never going to recover because people are simply not playing arma anymore. The server ran off all the casuals because of shit heads like you. Admins and server owners have nothing to do with the toxic ass fuckers who constantly fuck with the smaller players and ruin their experiences until they just dont come back anymore. Paratus may have shit the bed, but since then everyone who has tried to fix things has received nothing but resistance in literally everything aspect from players who just complain about everything and run off any new player that tries to join. So go head, blame the admins and owners for the actions of the shit tier player base who would rather off players than help the community grow. Perfect example of players trying running off players...
  13. Just set your recording application to record the last 5-7 minutes.
  14. That doesn't even make sense. IF you're going to run two servers it has to be with the full intent that both servers are to remain at full capacity or close to full capacity. You don't open half servers, especially if that server being up is solely dependent on the population of the other server. If there were enough active players to justify two servers there would be two servers, there isnt, so there wont be. Get an autohotkey and spam in.
  15. The fuck did I just read?
  16. Totally. Not like my point isn't correct and you're just a moron. You cant even say its not, all you can say is "youre salty" which doesnt even make sense you mong.
  17. 4 or 8 does it really fucking matter? Its still an autistic argument to say "pay for 30 days so I can play for 8" and god forbid someone hit the wrong key on their num pad at 1 AM.
  18. That didnt answer the question as to why someone would pay for a full month just to open a server for a few days. At its peak Asylum has over 1k players trying to get into 500 slots. The reason it stayed popular was because people were always trying to get in. When you add more servers and the servers look empty people dont join because they think the servers are shit. There is no reason at all to have servers that look half empty just to cater to the extra 20 people who need to spam in.
  19. Arma being a shit game is killing the servers.
  20. Why the hell would someone pay for a server for 30 days a month only to open it 4 days?
  21. Those kind paintings sell for millions, Im not sure if that's an insult or a compliment to be fair.
  22. @Mitch (IFRIT) Why you put that in his post, we all know hes not intelligent enough to say that himself.
  23. To be fair it is borderline ghosting to log out at the top of the tower in rebel... You log out knowing you are giving yourself an unfair advantage logging in.
  24. Hasnt this retard been permed like 4 times already?
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