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APD Officer
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Everything posted by HotWings

  1. This is why cops shouldnt have to RP either
  2. I did, and the cops wouldnt respond, the military would.
  3. Aussie was fucking great. Had a ton of memory leaks tho.
  4. No one values anything in light RP, people play this like its game because it is. You want value or life and things you need to play realistic RP.
  5. Behomia was made because they were behind paywalls not because they were being used. Bohemia also wouldn't be mad if you were required to say hold arms dealer to purchase one.
  6. Scott will be out in the barley fields in his tractor
  7. That's weird because I was NEVER in the position to do those things that are being complained about, except for maybe voting for corporal, and I never voted not because I didn't know someone, I would pass so my vote didn't count against them. However your gang was all about the things being complained about Except Billy, Billy was always cool as fuck
  8. Glad thats all you could pick out of the entire post of accurate statements
  9. How sad is it that this is the 400th time this topic has been brought up and will be the 400th time the COP will make up some bullshit as to why he cant make it better? Promotions have always been the same... The moment a command member shows they cannot be unbiased and punish someone they don't like because of gang and/or personal bullshit they should be demoted for corruption of power. Action taken is the biggest meme in the APD. Command should be expected to be held more accountable, but lets be real that has never been the case and I don't see it at this point being the case. I watched a LT use his power to unlock doors to check crates and shit to determine if he was going to raid or not.... Dude never even got a talking to. Durga literally did/probably still does whatever he wants. Subaru once gave me points for following the guidebook to a T (lol), then threatened to give me more/ban me for taking it to the captains to appeal. That's because they're doing dumb shit... Such as lethaling "because I can". The only perk LTs/Captains really have over the lowers is the armor, which they refuse to pull most of the time. As a retired Sgt with 13 hunters, I pulled and lost more than any Sgt+ that I played with over the times that I have played. Someone who cant even buy them anymore, and once it is lost its gone. Think about that for a moment. I have watched people go from constable to LT in a matter of 3 months because they were in the captains gang while people who were Sgts for 12+ months continually got ignored. These guys didnt even know or understand the guidebook most times. Didn't even bother learning all the finer points until they had to start punishing people, if at all. Command needs to stop with the bullshit cop outs when it comes to promotions. "I don't know you because we don't play together" or similar jargon. It is a promoter problem not a promotee problem. You need to reach out to them and spend time with them, not vice versa. We all know the moment someone seeks someone out if they're not friends y'all are just gonna say their knee padding and go hide in you private channels. If you cant be assed to go spend some time with someone who is applying and only promote your gang because its easier or you play together more then you don't belong in that position.
  10. Pretty sure you're off roading if you're picking barley.. Think smarter not harder.
  11. You mean all the retards that were banned and a handful if shitters? There is nothing wrong with the way downing rounds work
  12. Sitting in a corner shooting cops over and over isnt "doing the fed".... Doing the fed involved actually getting bars.
  13. Crying like a child doesnt get you what you want. No one really cares to hear you whine about everything kid.
  14. Why should they be more lenient with you? Honestly you kids baffle me. You have been here for fucking ever man, there is no lenient, there is no going easy on you. You know the rules, you deal with the punishments. If you don't want to get wiped and banned don't be a fucking idiot and exploit the system. Its really not that hard.
  15. HotWings


    Dredd realized just how much of a meme the APD really is lol
  16. Its almost like the people abusing it could be punished or something.
  17. The admins can also tell the captains they're stupid and remove ridiculous policy.
  18. Im confused at how jumping on a car is exploiting...
  19. That moment when people are crying about how the poll isnt giving them what they want after previously crying about devs should listen to polls more. Priceless.
  20. I thought you fixed this and it was implemented ages ago?
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