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王 rando 王

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Everything posted by 王 rando 王

  1. sorry for taking so long to reply, had to take a trip to china to get some ass from that chinese twink xi jinping, heads up, hes a submissive, just like your whole race.
  2. how many times a day do you check to make sure your vpn didn’t disconnect? I suspect the fear of lord xi jinping is great. Concentration camps are on the rise
  3. calm down, save some pussy for your captains
  4. Just become a cadet and get a friend to bring a box truck over to hq.
  5. if you "smash your car into him" its still vdm, you need to time it perfectly and slow down next to them where it activates.
  6. Forget about this, if any cops wanna sell me spike strips hmu
  7. you cant shoot a car that rolls up on you, even if theyre right beside you, so it needs a redzone like say youre processing a truck full, youre sitting in the middle of the open for like 10 minutes while literally every person can kos you yet you cant do anything about it until its too late. so like a truck full of dudes aiming guns at you could just cap you and you cant do anything until youre already dead. like if it was a 50m red zone i can see them driving up to me and start shooting before im already dead.
  8. yea it was op before, we know. but if you're gonna make the drug dealer a place to process then it need a an actual redzone, not that initiation distance shit, make a 50m diameter circle around the drug dealer for a redzone and up the price. processing in the middle of kavala at the drug dealer aint gonna work out well. so make it a redzone so you can defend yourself and up the price because it aint worth the risk like this.
  9. what about when it automatically requests revive even tho you didnt even have your hands on your keyboard to possibly press the button.
  10. This is all google translate right? im impressed google, not bad
  11. closed a door with a matchbox car in it, it broke, definitely seems legit. its a game mechanic.
  12. @Mitch (IFRIT) can i get a free pass on this one chief?
  13. You know that 120k house right beside your 40k is up for market price. At least it was last time I was on
  14. Yea what eazy said, have you tried posting SoundCloud beats?
  15. Better than the first post, good job
  16. 0:40, i did the same thing to those same kids today, made them all leave the server too, they were not ready for the 1v5, then had to take a stroll to their gang house and garage wit the choppa ya know6
  17. that guy who asked if you were initiated is what separates boys from men.
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