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| Mason |

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Everything posted by | Mason |

  1. I'll start the bidding at 350k @Derpinghow
  2. The second clip wasn't random, you were in the discord. @Space.God
  3. Allow bounty hunters to buy black tac vests at skip tracer.
  4. Nope, that will never happen. Although I think lc and gc's should have a higher chance of dropping 'good' items. I've spent $50+ on them and I still do not have a purple item. BS asylum
  5. Probably going to sell his houses then sell his money
  6. @Bunni Ill start the bid 400k.
  7. @Mitch (IFRIT) Thank you for making this announcement instead of being gay and taking down s2 for half a week every week. You should keep s2 up on its normal schedule 3pm-6am est
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