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General Baked Potatoes

APD Officer
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Everything posted by General Baked Potatoes

  1. Agreed, theres a big chance people will exploit this almost guaranteed. The current rewards are weak though for the time it lasted. 500K isn't that much money for an exploit over a period of a month ... But then again... This is Asylum lol if there was a way to know who would exploit this then it would be a great idea imo but i don't see how Admins could keep track of it or find a solution. It think its better to see the possibilities before you implement it and then reverse it or ruin it. I don't think the War kill system should be removed but insted tweaked to make it so people can't artificially boost their Score. Can't think of a solution rn though Gnashes getting Triggered again. Watch out everyone
  2. I was hoping you'd be alright John. Ive known @bigjohn561 for a while now and I can say, hes a very funny, compassionate and good person with a huge heart. I hope anyone who can afford to donate to do so to lend a helping hand to Big John, anything can help.
  3. "Let me tell you, i'm not here to blow smoke up anybody's Ass" - Gordon Ramsey.
  4. You type like your brain struggles to spell and make proper sentences... - 101 you fail english class.
  5. Ah, gotcha ... Well not the first time it happens ... Some people need to learn how to airdrop properly in the APD. Good luck eith that @Sandwich
  6. @Sandwich wasn't that last night on S1 when me and a few others did a prison break ? Lol @bigjohn561
  7. Does the prices also come with a facial or ? Good rates though
  8. In the APD your primary weapon is your voice. So i guess spelling is important.
  9. thats why he got off and played PUBG with Katheeri. RIP @Flameless, happens to the best of us
  10. naw Obama needs all the disciples he can get @BlackShot
  11. Watching @Reformed Katheeri and @Olio's Stream like @BlackShot
  12. I miss when we sang songs before doing a bank/fed in Uninvited xD
  13. Marriage counselling might help ? @Paratus @Olio @bigjohn561 Could help with the relationship, hes a good councellor.
  14. V-Sauce Michael. Jesus listen Clint
  15. Yall talking about his fingers. I'm more concern about his Hygene. I got you fam bought you a pallet of Shampoo from Costco @Tom
  16. This is the 2nd time in a day that i see you post something about @Gnashes. We all know hes got that Thicc Ass, but why you Stalking him mate ?
  17. *Disabled since there was a big exploit with it. For all i know it will be added when that exploit has been fixed. -2 Points for Griffinfor
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