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Blake Kingsin

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Posts posted by Blake Kingsin

  1. 8 minutes ago, Lunchables said:

    Weed is a plant. Barley is a plant. You don't have to run around picking weed plants. Make a barley field where people can go pick that shit and not have to run around altis like a madman collecting bushes. I know i'm definitely not alone behind this.

    there is a barley field next to coke. first come first serve.

    Sp0on and Innate like this
  2. 4 minutes ago, DiversityCSGO said:

    Today I told an Admin server 3 has been up for -1 hour and 49 mins (Basically 1 hour and 49 mins after restart was suppose to happen because of lag/desync).


    I would like to propose we make a authenticated login for a admin server restarter as the message I got back when I told him is I messaged the dev's and that is all I can do. Because of the current state of the servers this seems like a good tool to have for the admins. As luckily on this server it seems like there is almost always an admin on one of the servers. I am a web developer by profession if you guys don't typically do web development I could create the script if you guys just told me what directory to use to execute on for the startup. 


    For developers:

    I was thinking of this in PHP as its what I use at work so I have a lot of hours in it, but any back-end language would work:

    - Create a page, with some type of authentication. You may be able to Invisions forum software to embed a page and give it permissions based on a forum account so you don't have to make a new authentication. This would be ideal, we can even track users this way but the alternative is making new accounts for all the admins.

    - A selector for Server 1,2,3

    - I was thinking of having a few buttons

    -- Hard restart: This would kill the current PID the server is running on and exec the startup/launch script again, which for PHP I am not sure about killing a process (would have to do some research, but I dont see why not) but I do know we can launch/execute a process.

    -- Increment restart: The message shown for 30/15/10/5/1 etc. Now I havent really done ALOT of Arma development and by that I mean I probably have only about 30mins-1hour in Arma 2 development so I don't know too much of how the server would work but I would assume you guys have a script to launch for each of those that we could target, If not then.... Maybe we could make em? -- I could come up with something I am sure. But just an idea.


    Thats my suggestion, if you guys would like me to do it I am requesting the donor perk where you spawn with an ATM card in return -- Also if any of the developers are curious about my background I have a portfolio site I can DM you,


    im p sure admins can restart servers

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