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APD Officer
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Everything posted by goyney

  1. When able? It's the perfect opportunity to give credit. If I were luke I'd be out the door. For the record I have contributed 0. I just think it's disrespectful to those who have contributed their time.
  2. there's a serious lack of credit to those who put their time into this luke grinded big time and not even mentioned
  3. how has so much time passed but you are still a dribbling retard
  4. just stop playing you fuckin losers
  5. vanilla sway always defeats the new gens 😎
  6. Hydrogen and Phosphorous too good for money - should disable selling these as is to market No reason to do illegal run when u make 100k from a temp device of hydro Trucks are too cheap, and most other thing such as loadouts - increase Energy thing is weird and unnecessary Add your feedback below
  7. It was a test, and a lot of people just didn’t bother playing because they knew it was rolling back. It was a lot of fun imo.
  8. I’m actually looking forward to it. Nostalgic money runs and the fights that come with it. Think about it old chum.
  9. name me something that has been added off the back of your suggestions
  10. should have sold while he had the chance
  11. It’s funny because everyone with a problem sits in Athira 24/7. Good riddance.
  12. goyney


    Please vote and leave constructive feedback and your conditions below.
  13. goyney

    Server changes

    awwww look at you all grown up now not being toxic.
  14. goyney

    Server changes

  15. RIP. We played back in the day. That’s a shock.
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