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Everything posted by Tea.

  1. You're so weird, your profile is just responding to every post we make.. you're an actual freak must be a fan
  2. I mean that is cartels for you, a defensive ifrit is an actual strat but I mean if they're fighting you off cap with ifrits then that's a different story but if they're driving around cap w/ ifrits waiting for you to drop then that's an actual thing to put pressure on that ifrit so they can't just drop on your teammates. But any good player/gang can easily punish that if they know what there doing.
  3. more so doing something with friends, only thing that kept us playing
  4. yeah so we'll go fuck ourselves I guess, bye
  5. No, If anything that would make there be less fights then there already is..
  6. tp on top crh's unban..............................................where the fuck are you at
  7. Yeah well it technically is a shared ban.. koth banned him for cheating so now he's banned on asylum for scripting, and was banned on olympus for scripting as well since asylum banned him. So they banned him but when they looked into and realized how stupid it was, they unbanned him.. and I still dunno why Mitch refuses to even bother to work something out. Also dunno why we got devs commenting on the matter and not admins or the owner himself lmao weirdchamp
  8. amen olympus realized how stupid the ban was, and asylum shares bans with koth and olympus shares bans with asylum so thats how the ban got to olympus
  9. Code4Gaming doesn't show any proof to the players or admins of other servers, nor do they bother trying. We already tried to get asylum admins to talk to them and they won't show proof to them or anything. I'm still wondering how this ban is sticking..
  10. why dont you check their discord you imbecile
  11. You guys already have enough meatshields or?
  12. I don't think you realize we're the ones who got smoke glitching removed so that makes no sense
  13. #FREECRH and synthetic will come back
  14. I followed this guide but I didn't do every single bit but it definitely helped, especially the process lasso. Also settings wise, it doesn't matter if you have the lowest or highest, but if you can run highest then why not. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=173130543
  15. @Mason Statham get on this immediately but make it for olympus LOL
  16. Tea.


    Yeah and take in mind that he didn't even kill the guy and that's one of the main reasons why they banned him they said..
  17. Tea.

    Athira 3 crate

    worth nothing more then 700k
  18. very bright futures coming, I can see it
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