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Everything posted by TRYHARD

  1. Its because you gain/lose war rating based on the other persons war rating and does not account for your gear (Or lack there of). If they just made it so for every kill you got 2 and every death you lose 1 that would solve the issue. War rating only gets you a title anyway so abusing it gets you nothing.
  2. Could also remove vans/ladder and add another entrance. In arma this is normally open but is closed off on Asylum. Throw a gate on it and its good to go.
  3. @Rodrigo’s on the ball here. Civs arnt abusing the vans so no reason for a server wide rule.Ive never seen civs use them to get into HQ and I’ve never seen a cop use the van at a prison break. What I do see is waves of vans being slammed into the fed walls. I’d suggest adding a policy update to prevent the use of vans at fed but I know most captains will allow them to be used anyway so what’s the point really.
  4. Yeah the guy that ran me over and killed me. Normally wouldnt care but a pilot loadouts arnt cheap. Its w/e though I got a few points for the rolling barricade.
  5. I appreciate the help Mitch. Also forgot to mention the amount of admins using RPG's to blow up the vans. Its pretty easy when your shooting 50k rockets from a deerstand.
  6. 3 actual entrances to the alimo. But I guess cops need a full 360 degrees of viable entrances to the alimo because no ones drilling a dome.
  7. Totally. I get they need another entrance and I think the one swat ladder was the sweet spot. At least with swat ladders you are limited to where the deer stands are.
  8. I know it was there I just only circled the ones that were set up as entrances to the fed.
  9. Fed went years without the vans and now its turned a relatively fair fight to heavily cop sided. Fed walls no longer protect you from cops, they only separate you from the cops that will ultimately jump behind you while you watch an actual entrance. No swat anymore so I propose adding the swat ladder to the police shop and allowing the use of 1 per fed, if its destroyed they can place another. Each van would need an additional 2 people to watch. No gangs have 20+ so lets not pretend its possible to allocate enough people to watch for extra jump spots.
  10. Workaround by disabling or circumventing? Not sure how Grand theft arma has it set up but they have colored hexes.
  11. Mitch does all the merch stuff? The devs have nothing to do with it
  12. Change this to 20% off jail time @Gen. Henry Arnold
  13. LIM is ass. If it costs less than the mk1 I still wouldn’t use it. Mk200 is barely any better. When everyone’s using CSATs your playing from a disadvantage using anything besides mk1 or mk18. also the spar is a cop nerf really. All these LTs running around with 5.56 is great.
  14. Spar 16s costs cops 8k and 500 per mag. LIM costs rebels 35k and 4K per mag. Its ts really not the same. The car 95-1 is a decent gun that could be added as a budget lmg
  15. I play where theres people not where I can run meth the easiest
  16. Money making isnt meant to be easy? You arnt supposed to be able to run drugs uncontested. If you want to make risk free money you do the legal shit.
  17. Just glad kernikov didnt get it keep up the good work mitch
  18. Still no gang war winner tags? Been over a month now.......
  19. Yep, all the big life servers do this to prevent people from being able to make millions risk free and to increase player interaction. Just off the top of my head Olympus, Reborn, and GTA all have multiple servers and shut down 1 during non peak times. but muh houses
  20. I don’t understand why you all complain about not being able to use houses when the server would only be down during the times the server averages less than 15 people. Anything under 40 is boring anyway.
  21. They would play s1? Not even to increase fights it’s to increase overall interaction between players.
  22. Kinda pointless to log on when all 3 servers have between 13-20 people. I know that everyone wants to use their houses but the server could see a population boost if all 3 wernt so dead. None are near the top of population and anyone looking to play will stick to a different game until it picks up. Bamfs system was trash, just do something like s2 and s3 are only up from 3pm EST to 1am EST Would also help to prevent people from making millions while there are no cops on. Might bring a bit more action.
  23. Was happening to me so I just went to 15 and I have no issues I did it the free way if youve paid for 14 best of luck because I couldnt figure it out
  24. None will ever compare to montage 2
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