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Everything posted by babooshka

  1. 80% of APD trainings are quite literally a waste of time and effort. Pretty much everything explained in the first half of trainings can be explained in a google doc that you could give to cadets after they get whitelisted initially and then quiz them on as part of their ride along. ex: Where is the engine of a tempest, where is the fuel hitbox on the orca, how to use spike strips from a vehicle, where to disable prison/mental/bank/evidence, etc Briefly recap it during a training initial briefing, then focus on actually implementing those ideas in the training server PvP. I am very certain you could find a group of 5-7 people to play as rebels full time in the training (give civs who help like 30k for an hour of their time?), so that cops could get multiple reps of pushing events and trying different strats. Take 5 minutes in between pushes to talk about what went wrong and how to fix it for the next push while regearing and pulling vehicles etc. I'm also not a developer but the training server is an actual circus. Gangs and groups are bugged, people can't see hexes further than ~100m away, and it generally just takes forever to get things going which equals 20minutes of just standing around. Simply increasing the # of trainings isn't the answer, the trainings need to be of higher quality
  2. thank you again for the kind offer, im actually not looking for a garage in this area at this time. take care
  3. no thanks im actually not interested at this time but thank you for the offer
  4. ur account was created in 2019 lmfao
  5. feeling blessed ill never have to pay the electric bill for the gang fortress that i always own
  6. this is what scanning ids at the gate for 6 years does to a guy
  7. do u want him to roll around in open fields with no combat stance like u? xD
  8. Swat is a cool idea but absolutely cancer to be a part of because everyone complains about the rules ie: first place gang switching mid push, killing people X meters outside cap, etc. should probably focus on the actual civ side aspects before ruining it with APD aids
  9. 很抱歉,但是服务器托管在 nv tom 游艇上,所以当游艇在海上航行时,连接可能非常未优化
  10. The lu xiaojun of asylum
  11. i left it on the ground of sofia hq go grab it fast
  12. has anyone heard from glo since his country was overran by bat soup flu?
  13. Never bc the game is so unbelievably dead I’m trying to find other games to play tho
  14. I’m pretty new to the game 2100 SR (still the best widow NA in double shield meta) babooshka#11950 can play evenings after work
  15. Sounds like aids to try and code but I also have zero coding experience
  16. Its all pretty cringe if you think about it, you’re either LARPing as a rebel/cop or as mommy’s little freedom fighter in a milsim server - the reddit retards will be retards
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