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APD Officer
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Posts posted by Bean

  1. Just now, thatuserlol said:

    I think on the server we should add a like 3 hour purge are something like that where rdm is allowed and it happens like 3 times a month . I just think its a cool idea tell me your thoughts I think it would be fun and cool :D

    There is already an event like this implemented called Battle Royale.

  2. 4 minutes ago, patato12 said:

    I mean they are the same gang that uploads vesting a LT strider while it was in the middle of athira. Its pretty obv they don't have alot of money

    you're just mad you didn't get dredd's head in that strider

    George likes this
  3. Just now, Wang Liqin said:

    Aren't you in the same group of people that somehow let a pretty obvious FSA mole into you gang? or is that another "gang" of irrelevant people.

    Aren't you in the same group of people that somehow let a pretty obvious naked into rebel and lose around 200k in loadouts and an orca? or is that another "gang" of retarded people.

  4. 39 minutes ago, WilliamS said:

    **NEWS** "2035 all schools have been shut down and children are now being taught through the VR experience".

    imagine how cool that would be to connect into an online VR world and have a teacher log in and teach through the VR game. would probably be hella abused though, lol

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