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Retired APD Captain
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Everything posted by bbgreg17

  1. I don't think the server needs to give you a place to practice this before you doing something stupid irl.......
  2. Tac-vest and no bipod....
  3. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Sgt+ now have access to the mobile HQ vehicle. Only one mobile HQ can be used at any given time. The same seizing/processing policies as a normal HQ will apply. A mobile HQ must be set up 1km from any illegal area/federal event. 1km is from the center marker of an illegal area. 1km from any federal event marker. This includes Shipping Robbery sale points. 1km from any free fire zone 1km from any rebel outpost marker Must not be set up inside of a turf, may not be used to attack a turf. If the mobile HQ is used for a Federal Event, it should be impounded when officers are done with the event. May not be sling loaded. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, or would like to discuss a policy change, feel free to contact a Captain.
  4. First I would like to apologize to @halfdrunkhero. After a weekend of shit shows involving the APD I snapped at you. The frustration that had built over the weekend due to dealing with situations unrelated to you came out directed at you which was not fair. This was not right and for that I apologize to you. For the two officers I lethaled, I did not realize the policy change regarding Captains had removed all unwritten rules including those regarding LTs. I assumed and in doing so, made an ass of myself. I should have clarified the policy with Mitch prior and been aware of this change. I am, after all, only human and make mistakes. I do not hide from them but rather learn from them and work to better myself. I have been in this community for over 5 years, over 4.5 of them as a higher up. As a higher up I am obviously held to a higher standard. I have never, in all that time, worked towards anything that I did not think would better this community. I have made my mistakes and had lapses in judgement in the past, but I have never and never plan to, do something I know would be directly harmful to this community.
  5. bbgreg17

    Gun Cabinet

    Honestly great idea, only potential issue I could see would be dupe of some sort. Maybe if there was a limit and if server performance dropped to low that would prevent you from using it? I will not give @Patato any sort of nickname that will boost his ego.
  6. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY The life requirement for the Mental Asylum has been brought in line with all other federal events. Officers are now only required to give 2 lives to the event. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, or would like to discuss a policy change, feel free to contact a Captain.
  7. Metagaming is a bitch ain't it?
  8. o7 been many good years!
  9. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY APD Ticket Guide Changes: Bounty Hunter Execution: This charge has been removed as it is no longer applicable. Abuse of Bounty Hunter Weapon (Rework): This charge is to be applied when a licensed bounty hunter abuses their bounty hunter weapon against an APD Officer. Please note, this charge is ONLY to be applied to a LICENSED bounty hunter who abuses their weapon against an APD OFFICER. This charge is not to be stacked with Possession of an Illegal Firearm. Officers may, at their discretion, choose which charge to apply. Ex. If a licensed bounty hunter uses their mx against an officer, the officer may charge the bounty hunter with EITHER Possession of an Illegal Firearm or Abuse of Bounty Hunter Weapon NOT both. Note: This charge is not yet implemented in game. The charge price has been set at $7,500. Until it has been implemented, charge any individuals with Possession of Cocaine and read it as Abuse of Bounty Hunter Weapon. If you have any questions feel free to contact a Captain.
  10. We need better security on the damn keys to the Captain's office. First @Louie now this guy???
  12. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Two Minute Procedure: Officers will now have the ability to send a suspect to jail at any location when the two minute server restart mark hits. Any suspect in custody within two minutes to server restart must be given their ticket. If they refuse to pay the ticket or the one minute restart notification appears, they must be sent to jail. *Note* Higher up requests are not granted during this time. Officers are still expected to inform a higherup they had a request, but it does not stop processing. Cadet Tethering: Cadets must put the name of their Constable in parentheses after their name. This is to prevent confusion about who a cadet is patrolling with. Ex. Constable Playtime Requirement: Constables must play at least 10 hours in any rolling 90 day time period. Any Constable found to have not done so will be subject to removal from the APD. Oysters: As oysters are now legal, Possession of Oysters and Possession of Fried Oysters have been removed. For clarifications purposes the two following charges have been renamed: Possession of Concentrated Cannabis is now called Possession of Golden Wax Possession of Marijuana is now Possession of Reggie Weed If you have any questions feel free to contact a Captain.
  13. I don't care how many people have keys to a house. The more people with keys, the more likely I am to be able to raid the house! This was neither suggested nor requested by the APD!
  14. Appreciate the credit 😀 Make who voted for each option public though!
  15. You steal my clip and making a fake YouTube account to try to impersonate me? Wow....
  16. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Menace to Society: Any individual found to be wanted for $300,000 or more is now deemed a menace to society. They may be sent straight to jail at officer discretion. EXCEPTION - An individual who turns themselves in to the APD for a trial by combat which has been approved by a SGT+ (prior to surrendering) may proceed with the TBC. If you have any questions feel free to contact a Captain.
  17. Effective Immediately Evidence Lockup Vehicle: Upon establishing a one minute all clear at the Evidence Lockup Truck, APD officers (regardless of rank) must immediately drive the Evidence Lockup Truck to the closest HQ. The driver may only stop and exit the vehicle to repair. The contents of the vehicle must be seized directly into evidence (no intermediate cop vehicle). If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy feel free to contact a Captain.
  18. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Committing Arson: Committing Arson is an automatic charge which is applied to an individual who sets a house on fire. It is a $15,000 charge. Intent to Commit Arson: Intent to Commit Arson shall be applied to any individual who is found in possession of an arsonist kit. It is a $10,000 charge. Request Higher-up: The request higher-up feature in the new APD Tab menu should NOT be used instead of joining a higher ups channel and telling them you have a higher up request. Any officer who only uses this feature may receive disciplinary action. Ticket Prices: Some ticket prices have changed. When and how these charges are applied has not changed at all. If you have any questions feel free to contact a Captain.
  19. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Speeding: Speeding is no longer a stackable charge. One count will be applied if an individual is found to be exceeding the speed limit for the road they are driving on. Excessive Speeding: Excessive speeding will be applied to an individual who is driving at a rate 25+ km/h over the speed limit for the road they are on. Speed Limits (Unchanged): On main roads the speed limit is 80 km/h, on all other roads (dirt roads, in cities, etc) the speed limit is 50 km/h. Purification Factory: The Purification factory will be treated the same as any other dug area. (Ex. Coke field) If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy feel free to contact a Captain.
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