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Everything posted by BeefPatty

  1. ^^^^ C.O.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.V.E. ^^^^ I posted my opinion. I asked for peoples thoughts. I even said multiple times. If you are a good higher up you know who you are and I'm not talking about you. Same thing with admins. I've only ever had a problem with you once Mitch. You don't have to agree with me but what you posted had no place here. I don't care if you don't agree with me but if we want to have a debate and get anywhere then comments like yours have no place. You were being very condescending when you posted that.
  2. This will be the 3rd time I've said it. Let me space it out so you can clearly read it. S.O.M.E. T.H.I.N.G. C.O.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.V.E @Mitch (IFRIT)
  3. @Mitch (IFRIT) Why not come here with something constructive instead of just jumping in and saying something completely off topic?
  4. @Mitch (IFRIT)I know how it is being an admin on communities like this. I was a admin on USBW on Arma 2 we have three 100 slot servers and they got full every night and then a few years past and the admins became like Asylum admins and the community started to die because of the retardism. I wasn't roasting your position. I was putting out good points that were my opinion. I don't get why you think you have to win every argument posting those pictures. It doesn't make your statement any stronger. This is actually one of the problems I didn't point out in my original post. Some admins seem to think that they are just the the best thing since sliced bread and swing their admin dick around like you are now. Your contribution to this debate was nothing. All you are trying to do is stir shit up and to be frank with you, you are making yourself look childish and immature when you do shit like this. Yeah it might be cool and funny at first but unless something changes around here I predict asylum is just going to keep declining in player activity until you have to shut down a few servers just to keep pop on 1 & 2 at something reasonable. Why don't you actually add something constructive to this conversation or just don't add anything at all?
  5. @XavoreyYou just did thoughyou said SGTs+ will reply 99% of the time? I get what you are saying but there are other channels they can join if they are playing other games. Instead of using your officer channels as a personal channel to play PUBG
  6. @Mitch (IFRIT)Really?You can see we are all clearly having a good debate about what I said. I wanted to know what the community thought about the issues I brought up and you come in here with that shit. No one is calling other people names, this is a good clean debate and you are like the window licker on the bus that just has to scream and droll at the top of his lungs just so everyone looks at him. ** NOT DIRECTED AT YOU MITCH**
  7. @Xavorey I think its funny you say SGT+ and that most of you reply 99% of the time. Two nights ago I did an experiment. I jumped into the Police Support for Civillians channel in TS and I put LT+ in my name. When I first joined there were at least 6 LTs that I could see. I waited 30 mins and messaged two of them. Long story short I sat in that channel for 4 &1/2 hours and didn't get moved or messaged asking what I needed.
  8. @Xavorey I wouldn't expect you do be able to do that either, we are all here to have fun. However, when you guys sit in channels for hours upon hours and just ignore us constables when we actually need you its so annoying. I'm not specifically talking about you either because I don't know if you do or not but you have to a least understand what I'm saying.
  9. @The Monopoly Man I will take you up on that offer. I'll be on sometime tomorrow.
  10. No it doesn't say you need to give reduced tickets. I will agree in some situations even if someone does try to RP with you and they have been on a cop killing spree and you catch them and take them in. They should be given a full ticket and if not a full ticket their story must be fucking great. People that have the attitude of just never giving someone a break is whats wrong with the APD constables. Sometimes people have great stories and should be heard before you just ignore their story and jerk off at your PC while they are talking to you. Most constables don't even listen, that is one of my main problems.
  11. That is exactly what I'm talking about. Dude, I'm dying laughing right now because what you said is the truth.
  12. I'm aware that robo copping isn't against any guidelines. However, being a dick to civs for no damn reason only drives a wedge between cops and the civs. If I try to RP with you and give you a really good story about why I have those charges I'd expect at least a small reduction. I'm not looking for a half ticket or pardon unless I'm actually innocent and have a good story. I just want cops to actually listen to my story and engage with me in the story instead of just saying "yeah.... uh huh... yup... okay well I'm gonna issue your a full ticket now."
  13. I see your point. Although now since the APD accepts everyone most constables just remind me of a window licker, and I'm not talking about all constables. You know who you are if you do your best to be fair to civs and perform your other cop duties.
  14. ^^^ so fucking true dude. They litterally stand they and watch you get robo copped and do fucking nothing. I even ask them if they are gonna do anything. Most just ignore me.
  15. If you can even get in a channel with a higher up that doesn't immediately swap channels or move you out.
  16. I'm just trying to be as real as possible. The APD is corrupt as hell and it is so sad that I have to actually have to "knee pad" if I want a promotion. I'm not a perfect cop and I'm not trying to say I want or deserve a promotion. I just hate how some people get promoted because they have been giving a SGT or LT head all month.
  17. Thanks, I was thinking of a good way to put it in perspective for the player base.
  18. I'm just gonna start this rant/feedback with the following statement. This is my opinion of Asylum admins, APD higher-ups and general window lickers. I used to play on Asylum three years ago when I first got Arma 3. My first experience of the Asylum servers was spamming enter just trying to get in because all 4 servers were full. Once I was in I was greeted by a young British window licker that said "BeefPatty... BeefPatty... BeefPatty, hands up or be die! I want your monies." This young boy could not have been over the age of 14, as his voice was still cracking and breaking up as he was shrieking his demands at me. I immediately started to run in circles and try to juke him out. As I'm trying to avoid this window licker heart starts beating and my palms get sweaty at the idea of losing this child amidst all the buildings in Kavala so I could then shit talk him in chat about how piss poor of a shot he is. As we are running through the back alleys and streets of Kavala I lose him somewhere near the hospital. I then open up chat and begin to type a message. Next thing I know I'm being shot and I got down because some how this Kavala rat found me. He then restrains me, and whisks me away into a building and tells me that I'm going to be his sex slave and that he and his friends are going to gang bang me and leave me behind a dumpster when they were finished. I was thinking to myself what type of server did I just join, a few minutes pass and more window lickers arrive in a car outside. They all come in screaming that I am about to be raped and no one will hear me or can help me. So as 3 young children proceed to RP rape me I'm sitting at my computer speechless and slightly intrigued that an Arma server has RP like this. Although it may have not been the RP that I was looking for I could only this to myself that if children acted like this, what would older teens/adults do? 1st experience was exhilarating and fun, not because I like to be kidnapped by children in my first 5 minutes in the server but because it was interesting and hilariously disturbing. My 1st run in with the police was when my buddy and I were running cocaine later that same day and we were on our way to process it and we get pulled over. Both cops get out of their car and RP walk up to our car and ask my friend for his license and registration. My friend not knowing what to do gets out of the car, and of course his pistol his out but the Officers remain calm and simply order him to holster his pistol and to place his hands on his head for their safety as he had just jumped out of the car with a pistol in his hands. He complies, however the cops didn't restrain him. They had him leave his hands on his head as they RP searched for his wallet and he said the registration was in the glove box. So the 2nd officer asks me if I can lower the window and give him in the registration card. I RP roll the window down and open the glove box hand him the registration. The officer then walks back to his patrol car and gets in as the other officer is still talking to my friend. There is a few moments of silence as I assume they are talking in TS. The officer that I had handed the "registration" to comes back up to my window and asks me to get out of the vehicle. I comply and get out of the car, he then tells my and my friend that we are under arrest for being in possession of a stolen vehicle. I was shocked at this point as I didn't know we were in a stolen car(found out later my friend failed to mention he stole the Offroad that we were using). The cops then say they are gonna search the vehicle and then search us and off course they find out that we have cocaine one us. At this point I think I'm fucked as I just spent all my money on a backpack and a gun and I'm gonna go to jail and lose it all. They impound the Offroad we were using, place us both in their car and take use to the nearest HQ. Then they tell us that I'm going to be charged with Possession of Cocaine and that my friend is going to be charged with Grand Theft and Possession of Cocaine. They asked us to explain why we had a stolen vehicle and why we were trying to run Cocaine. We explain that we were new to the game and heard that this is the best way to make money. The officers must have sympathized with us because they were once new to the game as well, they told us they weren't going to give us a ticket and that they were gonna lest us to. Once they had pardoned us and unrestrained us one of them asked us to walk over to him. He then proceeded to give both of us 100k cash(100k then equals 10k now) and told us to stay out of trouble and that they had better not see us again unless we are the victims of a crime. This was fucking awesome, hands down to this day still the best RP and experience I've had with the cops. Now that I've given you a little back story I want to get to the real reason I'm making this post. Asylum really does remind me of that kid everyone would stare at on the bus as he licked the window up and down, drool running down his chin and onto his striped polo shirt in elementary school. I'm aware the server is a lite RP server and that is fine. However, I feel like there is very little to no RP at all anymore. I play on server 1 and I would be hard pressed to get on right now and find someone, including cops, to RP with. While I'm talking about RP, no one seems to even initiate on you anymore seeing as if you RDM someone now it is anywhere from a 3hr-1 day ban even if they are repeat offenders. By the off chance they do get banned for longer then that all they do is submit a ban appeal, even though they were caught red handed by an admin, and get unbanned in 2hrs because they whine to an admin about how they won't do it again and all they wanna do is play the game. This process is repeated over and over every single day. I submit video evidence of someone RDMing me, they get a 3 day ban but I see them back on the server a few hours later? Really? That's the best an Asylum admin can do? I can understand if it is someones first ban ever and they didn't know the rules but people that are repeat offenders get let off the hook just as easily and its fucking insane. 70% of the people that get unbanned immediately join the server and get in chat and brag to you about how they just got unbanned because " the admin is my friend. get rekt shitter". Shit like this shouldn't happen but it sure does and any admin that denies that they don't do this or haven't done it at least once is lying to you. Cops, don't we all just love them. I am a member of the APD and let me tell you what. I agree with Aleec Spazeed, it is one of the most grotty gangs I've ever played with. SGTs and LTs hold briefings and have everyone line up at Kavala HQ and tell everyone some bullshit reason they as to why they are having this briefing as you if you have any questions, which no one ever does, just so they get "points" for their monthly activity quota. APD higher ups consistently deny legitimate higher up requests. Higher ups also sit in an officer channel in TS instead of mingling and talking with their Constables and Corporals. I understand that we can get annoying as constables but that is no reason to 100% ignore us all the time. While on the topic of APD higher ups I'd also like to address the fact that Captains that are now admins have said to my face when they violate my civilian rights that, "we can "bend" they rules since we wrote them". I'm not sure about everyone else's take on this but what is the point to have rules that APD higher ups (mainly Captains/retried Captains) can just blatently and without regard to a civilians rights just ignore the rules or "bend" them? Constables look up to higher ups and if they don't follow the rules why should the constable? That just my take on that issue, would love to know what you guys think. One last thing needs to be said about the APD, they don't seem to promote simply based on merit and being a good cop and following the rules. It seems like 50% or more of promotions are because someone "knee padded" their way up the ranks. If this is true which I know in part that it is what is the point in even trying to get promoted the traditional way? Like I said before unless you get good in with a SGT or an LT and get in a channel with them on a daily basis they won't have a fucking clue who you are. I for one will never participate in the amount of corruption that is the promotion process. I'm not talking about all APD higher ups, if you are a good higher up you know who you are and you know you have worked hard to get to where you are. Lastly, I'd like to talk about the health of the community. 3 years ago all 4 servers would be full at all times of the day. I understand some people take long breaks from the game and some just quit. However, since February I've seen a huge decline in player activity and now we can barely get 2 servers full. I believe that the decline in players and activity is due to all the reasons I've ranted about above and because gang life is simply dead. The Devs release updates that hardly adds any new content. I won't go into what they should release because there are multiple treads about that but, what I will say is the Devs just aren't active enough to keep the community thriving. The current Devs obviously don't have the drive that they used to do. It's time for them to either get to work or retire and let someone else do their job. The server owner could care less about what happens to this community and its so obvious. Everyone just seems tired of it, including admins. In my opinion we need new blood in almost all of the admin positions and new devs to bring it back to it's former glory because of right now Asylum is a shadow of its former self. Thank you for reading this if you have read this far. Like I said this is just my opinion.
  19. I messaged you, very interested.
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