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AFD Paramedic
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Everything posted by Master27411

  1. I don’t have houses in Abdera but I have the long house and one crate just down the hill south of wongs triad. I think it’s only 1.9k
  2. Why you bidding on stuff you can’t afford
  3. Did you guys fix the bug when you turn on and off NVgs it would give you more nvgs
  4. Next time you are on cop my bullet from my mk is gonna smack you in the head lol
  5. I wish it would go back to what it was originally, but if they were to change it back I’m sure it would be nerfed really bad
  6. He just build different!!! He’s a GAMER
  7. Yeah I heard you and I can’t say I blame you
  8. I was driving behind him on my way to bank and he was lagging super hard
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