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Everything posted by Emma

  1. What'd you think of tonight's episode? I didn't understand the fucking ending whatsoever. Perhaps Melissandra is going to give her life up to Jon?
  2. Emma

    1000 war kills

    Bye bye, don't let the door kick you in the ass...
  3. GOOOO WINDMERE! Congratulations BUDDY!

  4. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. You guys went on a bloody rampage!
  5. Guy decided to drive around the checkpoint, this was back in February 2015 Good times back then, this was Lincoln Williams' doing. The guy claimed he didn't hear us so all at once we hit the sirens... Best memory that I have of good ole Asylum!
  6. So despite the nauseating video, me commanding Beef was the best, he didn't listen to me though...
  7. Where in the name of bloody fuck is @Leady?
  8. Hell yeah, ocean front property!
  9. https://gyazo.com/d7ee39aaa8769e7d45fe72f38ad02620 Yay, pretty good for the first run. Did nothing but fishing, until those cock suckers stole my boat...
  10. Yeah I wouldn't shoot in that situation, just take the bullet and die
  11. Uh oh, @HapHazard is here... Don't say anything bad guys, let's all be friends now!
  12. Yeah neither have I and I'm the ladder junkie during banks. Maybe the conditions for it to occur have to be perfectly aligned, who knows???
  13. Lost the video, but here is the Offroad Rocket... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=650840900 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=650840914
  14. Dammit Vanilla, what's more important, your life and career or the APD? Gosh...
  15. Careful you hit that wall going 5 KM, don't you know how deadly that is!
  16. What would we do without you Gnashes
  17. Can you fix this next?
  18. You could find a way to link your Steam account with your Asylum Forum account
  19. I've actually downed someone from pretty far away.... once
  20. Stings are awesome, the recoil pattern pulls the shot right up to the head
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