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Big Fred

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Everything posted by Big Fred

  1. I find it hard to believe that zero people knows Miss Evo on any server.
  2. I find it hard to believe that zero people knew you on S3 who couldn't either lockpick your cuffs or simply text the cops for you telling them they forgot about you somewhere.
  3. I find it hard to believe that you have zero friends in sidechat who can't either lockpick your cuffs or simply text the cops for you telling them they forgot about you somewhere.
  4. Enable Hatchback Sports on the medic slot. This will solve everything. Even global warming.
  5. Looks like the servers are really dying. And the fog is so thick now, you'll need a wetsuit in order to walk...
  6. Too far from Air HQ. Obviously fake.
  7. Legendary. I wish I had half of his coms instead of just spewing profanities at people.
  8. This house is worth 150k at least. It's hands down one of the best party houses in Abderra. Great parking aswell for when you're on DUI spree. I've been shitfaced there so many times it's not even funny. I'd take it off your hands right now if I weren't at work.
  9. I find your take o this whole issue either flawed or ill informed. No offense intended. I just don't agree with your absolutes. There's a lot of Bounty Hunters out there chasing after the bigger fishes in the rebel pond. Not everybody sticks around like a rash in Kavala. Actually, in Kavala you'll mostly find newbie hunters learning the trade. Or the lazy ones. Or the crooked ones, with criminal intent, hiding behind a badge selling drugs to little children. At least on S2. I don't know about the other servers, but I've seen some of the S2 hunters do crazy shit like storming the HQ and stealing criminals straight outta the hands of the APD. Furthermore, I think you're forgetting one crucial point which haven't been touched yet: social networking and engineering. Most people I know in Kavala follow some sort of moral compass and have a sense for survival. You can usually use either one to get along with them or push them around. Sure, bagging a pistol banger for a lousy 5k bounty might seem worth it initially. But he'll be outta jail and back on the streets in Kavala within 10 minutes... the question is, will you (the BH I mean) still be there when he gets back with a grudge, a rook and maybe some friends as well? Getting pistol banged by a 2k outfit and loose your 10k outfit gets tiresome after a while... Pistol Bangers can be your worst nightmare in Kavala, especially with text initiation. Hell, even with direct VOIP initiation, you're probably going down before you even figured out who's yelling at you to put your hands up. I've seen a lot of bounty hunters come and go in the streets of Kavala because they didn't follow the code or they pissed off the wrong crew.
  10. Big Fred

    Ingame threats

    while them being restrained?
  11. Nowadays you have to text initiate with anyone 50m out eitherway it seems. I was standing inside the gun store in Kavala and the guy trying to rob me was just across the street. Couldn't hear a word he was saying...
  12. Big Fred

    Ingame threats

    You're the one holding the ticket book. Just remain calm and be creative.
  13. I do this all the time. Just pick some dude randomly and send him text mesaages to put his hands up or die. Funny shit how paranoid people get.
  14. I wanted to dissect your post and counter your arguments, but since I lack a bit of time, I'm just going to leave this here: 1 . Bounty Hunters got buffed not very long ago, because their 9mm Sting were utterly useless against big-boy career criminals (rebels) and their 6.5mm and 7.62mm high power rifles. You should know this since as you stated yourself, or at least insinuated, you've been playing on Asylum for a longer time. 2. Weapons a civilian can get hold of will fire exactly the same range of ammunition as the Bounty Hunter weapons: from 9mm up to 5.56mm. The only difference is that the civ 5.56mm weapon is illegal and cannot fit a Scope (pro tip, use adaptive crosshair and don't be a gullible twat and buy those 20 round mags from that corrupt gun store clerk sign). 3. The Tac Vest is overrated. One (1!) good hit with a Rook in the head or in the knee will bypass any body armor of any Bounty Hunter and kill him instantly. I don't see how this is overpowered in any way, unless you're a worse potato than I am. 4. Paratus should raise the threshold on when you show up on the Bounty Hunter list to at least $5000. This would prevent people getting jailed for petty crimes like running a few paramedics over at the square, or lock-picking your girlfriends car because she forgot to give you the keys. There's probably more, but that's it for now.
  15. wow... such video. very propaganda. much well-made! 10/10!
  16. +1... this is an RP Server afterall. Olivia made a valid point though when it comes to gaps in skill levels. That should be taken into consideration before changing anything.
  17. I think you're in the wrong game if you're looking for an easy time. Arma hates you. Period. Don't try to fight it. Just be like water.
  18. That's the same flight path my bullets use when I'm shooting at people.
  19. I'm not sure about you guys but my bounty hunter vehicles always come with bounty hunting sirens. They're fun to drive up there in the Kavala hills.
  20. Switch to server 2 if you have problems with RDMers. For every RDM'er there's at least 5 bounty hunter in every corner of Kavala just waiting to tag and bag anyone with a higher bounty than $1500 there. Kavala is literally the safest place to be on S2. Unless you have a bounty above $1500...
  21. I wanna craft Miss Evo's and put them out all around Kavala as a reminder. A reminder that dreams are still possible. Because it wasn't that long ago I slept on a couch, in a 40k house, with just 47 dollars in my bank account. But something happened that changed my life. I met a bounty hunter, and then another bounty hunter. After some time, I had met five bounty hunters and they showed me how to make money bounty hunting...
  22. Very nice and cost effective. Good job Abstand!
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