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OG Blunt

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Everything posted by OG Blunt

  1. Remote Car Explosive Purchased from any rebel and can be attached to any vehicle. Once attached to a vehicle, you will be given a new contact in your phone. "@Remote Detonator", once called, will explode into a wonderful parade of TNT. Crypto Mining Players who own a house that has a market price over 100k, can purchase the crypto miner property upgrade. You can have up to 25 crypto consoles to mine any major coin. New Crypto Dealer Cartel not a bad update ADD DOGECOING
  2. To the 14 people who still had AK downing mags im sorry to inform yall, after months of not giving a shit, the admins finally removed the downing ak mags, after a incident in kav. It was farmer steve btw
  3. Taking offers for coke shed and closest skip garage in Kav Kav skip garage: https://ibb.co/YPkN2ZL Coke shed: https://ibb.co/v1wXb0f
  4. when they said increase the prices for vest, who tf said make it 3 times as much because they cant take rich people fuckin on there day. im sorry but this never been a issue till now? 5 fucking years to just change it now???
  5. how the fuck am i going to blow up farmer houses up without going bankrupted. not cool
  6. I would like to take this time to congratulate the DS members that get in. you guys earned it!!!
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