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Everything posted by Protocol

  1. might as well add lvl 5 armor to the server then.
  2. https://imgur.com/a/KwO41mk asking price: 700k
  3. it's cause you had that shit that allows you to get the dlc's for free.
  4. even that would work just some sort of cover that you can cap from.
  5. With the removal of the tower playing defense on what use to be tower cap is now significantly harder. There is no compensation for the removal of the tower. Instead there is just a large amount of empty space in the middle of the open. I think the flag should either be moved to this new open space so it allows for people to actually have cover when defending or make some sort of cover in the center area of the cap. Such as a command center etc.
  6. might be a cop exclusive.
  7. Now this is a good quality update. Let this set the bar for the updates that come afterwards.
  8. Berk doesn't care he knows i'm only joking lol.
  9. Berk is asian so change his eyes and give him a large nose and this pic will be good.
  10. The excuse that I usually hear is "oh I'm bored of the game and wanted to leave" but then those same people end up ban evading and coming back to the game? Or it's to fuel their ego on a 11 year old milsim shooter. What excuses have you guys heard?
  11. I'm down for a wipe but I can see why some people would be against it as well.
  12. Protocol


    Wipe it or unplug the server box. the server doesn't get more than 30 people on at one time lol.
  13. When they tested a server wipe 2 years ago that was genuinely the most fun I had on the server besides dom. I think the underlying issue is that asylum was in a period where for months basically no new content was being added and what was changed was small quality of life things. This really pushed everyone to leave cause this went on for like 9+ months. I believe that did irreversible damage to the server pop and a lot of people have moved on. Reforger is much more popular now with life servers on there having 4 100+ full servers like asylum use to have. I'm down for a full wipe but if there isn't more than 80 people playing when it happens I probably won't play for long. Either wipe the server or unplug the server box and move on.
  14. do some of these clips go back to 2022? I can see my old name in some of them lol.
  15. With what playerbase.
  16. Homie has the arma shakes.
  17. This has been a topic brought up multiple times. kicking the Chinese off the server wouldn't be good because they are a decent chunk of the player base at this point. In the past they were also the biggest donators to the server (don't know if this is the case anymore). Sure them being laggy is annoying af but with the state of altis life as a game mode being dead there has to be some sort of resolution that can be settled on. (as unlikely as that is)
  18. #1 Canadian arma player #CanadianSoftwareSolutionsOnTop.
  19. I put this together in about 2 hrs and I'm pretty pleased with the results. This is an "edit" of arma's main campaign which I recreated in the editor. unless you've played the campaign you are probably going to have little idea of the locations shown in the video and what not. enjoy 🙂
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