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roomba madness

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Everything posted by roomba madness

  1. I deadass have had this longer than you
  2. you can tell that guy is a roleplayer not a gun player lmao
  3. If they drop more content and it lags the server more that would be even worse. When the crashes are fixed the amount of content that will be added would make this server the best by far.
  4. Jack, I can't help but think you made this post because you got banned... When I play the server I have a blast and when people talk shit I just ignore them, not my problem that they can get so mad at a video game they will throw their keyboard at their monitor. For those of you experiencing a problem with doxxing I can provide some advice for you. 1) use common sense, don't give out personal information on the internet unless you are SURE it can't lead back to you. 2) Never give out your email address to people you don't completely trust. if you are in a situation where you are giving out your email a lot create a new one and use that for your gaming needs. 3) Never click on links you don't trust, have a secondary way to open links to make sure they are not IP loggers whether you use a VPN, RDP, or even Tor browser works. 4) If you give out your phone number you are dumb, the only this is a whatever situation is if its a "burner" phone, meaning you have no connection to the phone other than purchases for the data etc. 5) Always use Two Factor Authentication, in situations where you can't use it have a more secure password written down on paper (most secure way to keep your information safe and away from kids that know how to use google). Just in case you were wondering why I wrote this down it's because of cHIP oTLE's message. There are more ways to be secure and if you want them I could make a post about it.
  5. I mean its worth a shot unless up time isn't a problem for the server.
  6. There are talents already that would do this exactly. Ontop of that a new license would be added called "civilian" I guess so it wouldn't interfere with the Infamy/honor points. Personally I don't think it would be a good idea and the talent system is fine for now. The extra stress this would add to the development team while they are working on server crashes and other bugs would be tremendous. Maybe further down the line when the server crashes and the bugs are fixed the talent system could be improved upon.
  7. Welcome to the server hope you stay over here instead of going back to Olympus!
  8. Make it an official thing? I mean that looks really nice except for the not good part lmao. Just another way to flex
  9. ^^^^ and if its the po7 go buy a new one from the bounty hunter shop! @Overdrive edit: Also you posted this in the wrong section but Welcome to Asylum
  10. Speaking of SSL certificate is Asylum going to get one @Clint Beastwood They have one btw xx
  11. Seriously he always sounded like he just woke up pretty great though.
  12. I still have him added on steam im pretty sure lmao edit: im thinking of someone else im pretty sure x
  13. Talk about a throwback holy shit. Mitch Del had a really deep voice if you remember him
  14. Have a good time on the server
  15. Now this was a fun situation to be a part of. Had me fucked up with that mag dump tho lmao
  16. yikes.... don't miss next time?
  17. I suggest a shock collar or one of those collars that has like spikes in it (https://www.google.com/search?q=dog+collars+with+spikes+on+the+inside&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjxi82lgNLgAhUB26wKHXQBB0cQ_AUIDygC&biw=1440&bih=795#imgrc=2-yrwcnkueUBLM:) if you are taking him on a walk and he starts to pipe down just start pulling and hell stfu for a lil
  18. Don't know if you every got updated on it but you sync your steam id to the website so go to your profile (http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/profile/4143-travis/) then find the section for your player ID then toss it in there then it should either autoupdate or be added :D.
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