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APD Officer
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Everything posted by MR. COW

  1. Sorry to ask how is this pay to win? You can get this stuff by just simply grinding money.
  2. What about the dead guy on the roof? Do you claim him as well?
  3. Or maybe make the normal cops only to find a % of the drugs in a vehicle.
  4. -So for the k9 we could add 1 more branch in the cop prestige tree. Get a trained dog perk that will make the k9 to have a bigger chance to detect drugs or a better snitches so you would get more pings from fields and dealers. -You could add so drug slot would give you more money from seized drugs and other stuff like that.
  5. Am i the only one who cant place crates?
  6. Very true indeed. But players is a thing that is taking an impact as well
  7. Why is this so important?
  8. Callsign : Winkie Paddy Age (16+ Preferred) : 19 ArmA III Hours (Provide Screenshot) : https://gyazo.com/7be4532110516ed8bf4bce9c277df4af Estimated Flight Time : Well as far as i know it is at least 1000 from flight sims but in arma 2/3 around 180h What do you have to bring to the Asylum Aviators? : I can fly jets, props, helicopters and ifrits . And i can do some pretty sick stunts from my long carrer in arma and my fighter pilot carrer JG52. What specific flight skills do you have? Before i began playing arma i was a bf109 fighter pilot in clifts of dover and il-2 1946. I had a long carrer in those games around 4 years or so. But when i got arma 3 back in 2013 i started to take the role as a CAS pilot flying wipeouts. So i know how to manauver in flight as a plane pilot and can stay in formation.
  9. It is already sold for 1.2 mil
  10. Hello CrossFade i find interrest in your rebel house and would like to buy it.
  11. This brings back memories @Mayhem. We gotta steal kidneys!
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