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Everything posted by Buckwalter

  1. Welcome back Sneaky. Since your back and all, can you take a look at my comp? Someone RDMed me at rebel and I lost a Rook. Send help.
  2. The fuck is this? Have you people no respect? We've got a few options here: A) the original, actual, Channel 4 News Team sues you into the stone age. B ) We settle this. @The Monopoly Man Thank you for bringing these impostors to my attention.
  3. Buckwalter


    But in all seriousness, I certainly understand where you're coming from. But don't be a stranger.
  4. Buckwalter


    Pffft....why not though?
  5. Yep. I've been doing it all wrong this whole time. I mostly just run around getting killed by jets. Your way seems better.
  6. haha well beside the messy formatting, a solid portion of that SQF is actually incorrect. So there's that.
  7. Clearly it was so beautiful that you've experienced some sort of stroke haha EDIT: Just to be clear, it's a joke. It's like that on purpose. Please don't hurt me hahaha
  8. You got it champ. Put effort into your application, if you did it in 5 minutes it is likely you did not put effort in it, and your application may be overlooked. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-Game Name: Buckwalter Real Name: Mor Rusty Shackleford Age: 26 Location: Honolulu, Hawaii Player ID: 6 Occupation: Embezzler Please tell us about yourself: I like surfing, music, writing needlessly verbose forum posts that nobody reads, and abusing admin powers. Do you stream? If so please provide a link: https://www.twitch.tv/kaceytron/profile How long have you been a member of the community? 2.5 years Are you currently in a gang? If so which? Have you ever had any administrative action taken against you? If so what? Not officially, but @Gnashes yelled at me once for taking too long to get in the car on server 2. Have you ever been or are currently an Admin for another community? If so, which? You don't have a need to know. But no. Why do you feel that you would make a great addition to our team? Intimate knowledge of hacking in Arma (that's all I'm willing to say on the matter), I have 0.4 K/D, I live in an underrepresented timezone, I'm a big believer in throwing fits, I used to have a turtle so I know a thing or two about responsibility in positions of power. Also, I went camping with @BaDaBiNg_10-8....so at this point, giving me admin is the least you can do. What skills do you possess that would be a benefit to the team? Super smooth with the ladies, just ask Killswitch's sister. And if my next-level people skills didn't convince you, check this shit out: BUCK_fnc_Abooooose = { if ((_x getVariable "adminLevel") >= 1) then { _x allowDamage = false; _x enableFatigue = false; _x addEventHandler ["Fired", {(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}]; }; }forEach allPlayers; Also I'm really good at defusing tense situations. When someone is really upset and comes to me for help, I tell them to fuck right off and quit being a bitch. If I get admin, I will slightly alter this policy by kicking them from the server after I've insulted them. I think this will make it 11% more effective. Would you be willing to download any and all required applications to perform your duties as an admin? Fuck no, I don't want any viruses. How much time can you dedicate to being an admin on our server? 20 hours the first week, 10 hours the second week, 2 hours in week 3, and a combined 16 minutes in the following 6 months. I know that doesn't seem like much, but I'm mainly here for dat sweet, sweet debug console. Oh and the power. Can't forget the power. Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you about the job. Peace out nerds. @Volunteer281, @Olio How'd I do? Nailed it right? lol
  9. Pretty sure that windmill acted in self defense dude...
  10. When I first started playing, I was determined to stay in first person all the time. Eventually I realized it was a huge disadvantage. Adapted and came to rely on the crutches 3rd person provides. Eventually Jin dragged me into a 1st person only KOTH server and that was pretty much all I played afterwards. The combat is far better, the immersion and excitement are better. Sadly, the vehicles are awful in 1st person. Would be nice to see on Asylum, but people would never go for it and I'd rather have full servers than empty 1st person ones. People like their advantages, just look at the reliance on tilde, cross hair, livemarks, redboxing, command mode, and any other weird extraneous feature that could be used to get the upper hand. People like winning, it's a bummer that sometimes this ends up cheapening the gameplay. But again, full servers > empty 1st person servers.
  11. Jiga you fucking slacker. You're the reason Asylum is dying. Go fuck yourself. And also, stop the RDMers at rebel. It's out of hand. PS Ron Paul 2012
  12. But hey, that ifrit door mod though....
  13. Welcome. The forums are a lot like Kavala so you should feel right at home haha.
  14. Absolutely true. There are plenty of topics out there that deserve a lock. I've locked my fair share of them. But in recent months, good topics are being locked more frequently for reasons that defy explanation. For instance a novel gameplay suggestion that is put forth in an articulate and respectful manner but gets locked immediately. When those instances occur, it makes people angry and it looks bad. The staff are meant to be neutral parties that ensure the rules are followed; they aren't supposed to be the arbiters of what conversations the community can or cannot have.
  15. I personally feel that at times, topics are locked too quickly and without adequate reason. I've been on both sides of this equation and I think it is important to allow open discourse as long as it's not directly violating forum policy. Seriously, what harm is there in allowing people to discuss a change that's unlikely to happen? Or delve into potential future content even if it's beyond the scope of the current development efforts? I just don't understand why reasonable discourse, that isn't in violation of the rules, is so often cut short needlessly. Why are productive topics locked? Caprice? Even if you don't think a discussion is worth your time or participation, please don't stifle reasonable discussion because you deem these conversations unworthy of being. TL;DR: If a topic doesn't break the rules and hasn't been derailed or consumed by flame, don't lock it.
  16. That teamkill at 0:19 earned you a like sir. And for some of you, calm down holy shit. Say it with me, "Video Game." Step away from the keyboard, take a nap, have your mom bring you a juicebox, and come back when you can comport yourself with some basic human decency. For fuck's sake.
  17. Welcome to the community man. As Olio said, there are no special hoops you have to jump through, just join the servers and have a good time. It's highly recommended that you read and understand the rules first though. Otherwise, welcome to Asylum man!
  18. I enjoyed it. And that's better than most haha. Anytime someone RPs well and I get to use my fake hillbilly voice, it's on point in my book haha.
  19. Yeah dude, parole revoked. Straight from the forums and several days after the fact haha. Here I was thinking, oh he seems like a reasonable guy, just trying to avoid banana bandits (whatever the fuck those are), but noooooo.....
  20. This thread will end well. I look forward to reading an enlightening, well-reasoned, thoroughly sourced, political discourse that doesn't rely on demagoguery or the reductive sophistry of partisan politics. Expectations are really high right now.
  21. Wait a minute, so all that business about being an innocent banana farmer was bullshit? Not cool man...not cool...
  22. I believe it's in settings > layout > colors, but it's been a while so I might have that wrong.
  23. 2:24 2 lockpicks? 2? Do you even petty theft bro?
  24. I always do. I'm bored and hungover....it passes the time haha
  25. Well this thread has confirmed a long-held suspicion about how many people actually read posts carefully. It's been most illuminating everyone. Thank you hahahaha. As for the OP's original suggestion, before the whole forum debacle in December, there was a gaming rig mega thread. Don't think there has ever been a competition. Regarding the hijacked topic, organized gang wars never seem to go well. As some of you may know, I was highly involved with the most recent series and I found that the same issues showed up every time. They showed up during the first organized gang competition and every one since. A) Salt. People get upset about losing and start making the whole thing really unpleasant, people rage and demand rematches, allege cheating/metagaming, start making excuses about timezones, absent participants etc. While a little bit of this is inevitable, when it becomes widespread it can really sour the environment. B ) Logistical difficulties. Due to the size of the community, it's really difficult to get everyone who wants to participate in the same place, at the same time. Getting people geared up is a nightmare. Everyone has their own specific preferences and even with scripting tools, it is still a big hassle. This doesn't even begin to address the difficulties in broadcasting the event for the community. Arma's spectator tools are pretty garbage and it has made every major community event difficult to stream in a way that's interesting for people to watch. C) Dishonesty and poor sportsmanship. Last round of gang wars, the overwhelming majority of participants were honest and showed good sportsmanship, but there also a number of people who tried to exploit the way the contest was set up to abuse compensation, claim prizes that they hadn't earned, or otherwise obtain an unfair advantage. Then there were also people who just plain acted like assholes. These aren't intrinsic issues with organized wars themselves, so much as they are a detriment to people's desire to conduct, sponsor, and participate in them. D) Difficulty in standardizing the events. You do classic cartels and everyone complains that it's boring. You do completely random locations and people complain that they don't know the locations. No one has come up with a good middle ground yet. Something that tests player skill rather than luck, but still remains fresh and exciting and doesn't allow people to rely on existing strats. In closing, organized gang wars are tricky business. I think it would be awesome if the rebel community could come together, plan something out, agree to everything in advance, agree to a standard of sportsmanship, and then get an admin or two to sponsor the event. Really do it in a way that's by the community, for the community. All that being said, I don't think that organized wars are the salvation of rebel gameplay. I think that gang life is going to require a radical shift (likely away from cartels as the currently exist) in gameplay and some better incentives to fight if it's to return to its halcyon days. But hey, those are just my two cents. TL;DR: Thread hijacked.
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