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Everything posted by minmax

  1. They might only work on certain vehicles, for me it worked on a sport hatchback.
  2. They work, as long as you don't make them too long.
  3. How bout giving cops the Promet MR, it's pretty neat. From the cop perspective everyone outside of a vehicle or not 'red'' has the name 'any', also titles don't work.
  4. In order to win the contest I paid off the judge with the prize money.
  5. It wasn't that great of a joke, lets just say that. Plus that's not really the point of the video.
  6. Killer had a comedy competition awhile ago, I won it....
  7. I think it's a good idea to make it so that a gang can change their gang house without entirely disbanding and reforming, if this is intentional then maybe make it so rather than never being able to change it you can make the change once a month.
  8. I believe this talent requires 50k Honor....
  9. Business as usual, so basically waiting for devs to finish next update. Back to work slave.
  10. Not another KoTH server, I'll have to grind to level 65 on another one..... Plus they're all literally dying out, hence why I had to grind to level 65+ 3 times.
  11. I only agree with you because just about every cop on the server doesn't want to deal with your shit when proccessing you, anything to end your constant complaining.
  12. Funny how Niklaus starts complaining about this immediately after he got black-listed.
  13. This is how the APD envisioned @YuSheng and his goons. What YuSheng failed to realize is that it was all an elaborate metaphor.
  14. 2:30, "Don't gear up you're going to die anyways" - APD Sergeant Max Shorefield Very inspiring words, bravo.
  15. It's not a bug the box is slightly too tall for the garage, if you pop the tires before you get in you can drive out safely.
  16. I think 1 dollar crates would be practical if there were more skins available.
  17. Under estimated scotch and free airdrops, every time there's an airdrop up there, I only face one other player if that, leave it desolate it's more free shit for me.
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