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About Travis.

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  1. Whooooooooooooooooosh Jesus fucking Christ
  2. You should be able to turn yourself in with a bounty over 100k if there are no active cops online.
  3. Mommy must not trust you to have your birth certificate yet
  4. These are things that are supposed to be indicated to the civs anyways, so shouldn't change gameplay. When you are searched by an officer while restrained, it should give you a popup (your character can tell when they are frisked+they are supposed to inform you when they do) When your vehicle is searched within eyesight (~50m), it should give a popup. If you are in cop restraints, it should give at any range.
  5. With additional reward for successful event, not sure how you would figure 0 reward. Might have been unclear but you still get the original bounty either way (already secured prisoner). Also, obviously up to devs/ext to fine tune it, ext... just giving a better suggestion than 'uhhh, add a cop bank' As for 'no rebel would say yes to this', that doesn't matter, if you read it. Some people would, some wouldn't. Doesn't affect the event... more so just gives it a spawn condition rather than something spammed whenever there are more than 12 cops on.
  6. Whenever the APD arrest a bounty worth 250k or more, SGT+ have the ability to start a federal event with said person. The person gets a yes/no consent popup if they would like to participate. Event would work very similarly to shipping robbery, going from the HQ to the prison (Pyrgos and air HQ excluded). Delay before prisoner transport spawns (Hemtt), potentially higher spawn timer for higher bounties (similar to shipping, IE 250-499k=3 minutes, 500k-750k=5, 1m+=10) Successfully driving it to prison give the APD a % of bounty bonus divided by officers online Securing the transport as a rebel and driving it to a rebel outpost frees the prisoner and rewards the bonus % in cash to the rebels. Destroying the vehicle ends the event with no rewards for either side. The prisoner sticking around or not does not affect the event, event is based around the vehicle that spawns and they are free to disconnect if they would like. If they stick around, their prison time starts when the event does (time served) and if they get rescued they are free with their existing bounty. If they disconnect (or decline yes/no popup) they are sent to prison as normal.
  7. Travis.


    H0owdy guys
  8. Isn't this the shed with the weird bugs?
  9. Obvious cap, billy's never had 500k
  10. I think better abuse prevention would be: Flat 50k fee, 1m minimum offer, can disable offers in phone. Money refunded after 30 days, when rejected, or when rescinded.
  11. +1 Give my man his admin back, he's gonna have to find a whole ass new personality otherwise
  12. So when is the season going to be reset again for quests Want to start grinding my 2000 cop kills while in a sling-loaded offroad I need the 25k and the p07 for my house
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