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Soviet Toaster

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Everything posted by Soviet Toaster

  1. Moderators have no friends. Only enemies, and lesser enemies.
  2. I can't pay for rent when my money goes towards defibs for your ass
  3. Ranga: For 1337 jaun taps That one guy from Bad Blood: Because in this world, it would work Donald Trump: Can't Stump Milo Yiannopoulos: Diversity A Muslim: Diversity A Nun: Gender Equality and because nuns don't detonate Tachanka: Lord Chank wills it 3 Randoms off the forums: Mass recruiting: Throw as many bodies at them as possible like a true top gang Math Teacher: Because 4 in 3 kids can't math
  4. Because jizz is salty, so it naturally overflows onto the forums.
  5. Welcome back you glorious bastard.
  6. Is it really that simple? My Jewish friend says he tends to stay away from ovens.
  7. Hey guys. I've looked around for this some, but couldn't find anything really suited for my question. Does anyone know any tips for cooking with an electric oven? I tried asking my friend's grandpa Hans but he said he only know about cooking with gas. Guess Germans arent good with electric. Thanks in advance!
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