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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Sneaky

  1. IDK, my wet dream is GTA V with 70+ people in an RP environment. The physics are so much better for this type of game mode compared to arma franchise. Granted I played a metric poop load on altis life but i'd give up a portion of my paycheck every other week just to get on a GTA V RP server that had a high player capacity. Im getting chills just thinking of it now.
  2. Yeah thats a southern thing. We rock the red and blue here in PA.
  3. I will double back sucka smack the shit out of you if you try and dis respek my homie like that again. PS i miss you
  4. I really appreciate the kind words and I am just as sad that I'm not around playing anymore. I have had some of the most fun and incredible experiences as a civilian, cop and admin. At some point I really feel like the connection from staff/devs was lost and things went downhill. I saw myself becoming frustrated (which is not a natural thing for me to deal with) and at times I may have been a little too blunt/harsh towards players as a result. It only got worse and I cant just stay in an environment like that because it is unhealthy. My nature has always been to help people and that goes for online as well as in person. I found that the environment was chipping away at who I was and enduring only meant I was hurting my own character. Its especially hard because there are so many cool people in the community and it can be so rewarding to help players especially ones who are brand new with that same excitement I had years ago. In the end it turned into 1 positive experience for 10 bad ones and it just isn't healthy for a volunteer environment especially when you account for my previous post and the post from buckwalter. I'm shifting to streaming and various games to get back to having fun and I'll monitor the situation here.. Maybe You'll see me around sometime in the future as a lowly peach picker =P PS - I obviously do care, I know a lot of the Admins who stepped down care as well, it has been painful for all of us after so much time invested in helping people. They may not say it directly and it may not be obvious but a lot of them really tried to change things for the better. I'm not a one man show =P
  5. @Buckwalter I was gonna do my daily fap in an hour but i just cannot hold back.
  6. There never were hundreds of reports every day and it is not a matter of such a heavy workload that prevents timely responses. I'll very briefly touch on some things relating to the thread. A lot of this originates from the motivation admins have had over the past few years. For some admins it is just a ban and forget mentality where the admin is always right. Not extremely commonplace but it does happen. As you can see a lot of the "good/favorite/appreciated" admins have been leaving and a lot of it relates to the poor leadership, lack of appreciation (from players and staff) and the constant abuse dished to admins. Now over time it has been the same problems festering and admins just get fed up and lose motivation and then eventually just leave. Who wants to volunteer time for those above things when you really don't feel appreciated or like you can make an impact? There is no reward for the investment and the fun of the game really starts taking a hit. You have 2 categories: 1) Bad candidates that were allowed to be an admin just to fill a predetermined staffing number. These are the people who think they're always correct and get satisfaction out of banning/power. Also these are the people who just abuse the unlimited money aspect for unrealistic amounts of gear/load outs and occasionally the cheating via scripts. 2) Good/caring admins who got burned out from the abuse, lack of ability to impact direction of rules/gameplay and frustration from various leadership problems. Some would argue a 3rd category "lazy" but I think it is mostly a result of #2. Some people become an admin just for the unlimited money or for the power to ban but it doesn't make up a huge portion of candidates. Most of the time an admin becomes lazy is for #2 in conjunction with real life stuff. Someone is not likely to spend the small portion of free time they have to deal with the problems from #2. They will likely rather play other games or find something else enjoyable to do with their time. The sad truth is that there are a lot of ongoing problems that have been ignored and as a result many amazing admins have left to just get away from it. No one really wants to be a punching bag or ignored when they sacrifice free time to contribute towards someone else's dream or goals. I personally do not see things getting better anytime soon judging from how long things have been ignored. It really is unfair to you all as a player base to get burned as a result of this and I hate seeing it happen (and seeing it happen over the past few years). These are just my thoughts and I am sure some of the former admins will agree with parts/all of what I said and maybe even have additional thoughts on the matter.
  7. Damn pete those monitors looking sexy
  8. I was inactive for a bit of time recently. I moved and am still in the process of getting situated. It's taking a little longer than I hoped but I'll be back at some point to roast everyone on the forums for bad grammar and run in front of traffic at Kavala square.
  9. This works better when you use the proper wordssss. YOU'RE = YOU ARE
  10. Sir please refrain from the use of such intolerant languageeee
  11. Well i did pass it up the chain and i put my suggestion forward to make that situation a more clear and fair experience but i guess nothing came of it. Sorry bud
  12. And here I was expecting people to show off some of their guns. What a let down
  13. Hey man it sucks to see you go but I definitely understand the need to focus on stuff going on outside of gaming. Stay safe out there bud.
  14. I am going to hunt you down and RP the living poop out of you
  15. Well since you have some spare time lets use this opportunity to learn! http://www.grammar-monster.com/easily_confused/youre_your.htm
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